Former, Long Time Part 2

by James Jackson 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    First of all thanks for all the kind words!!! I am over whelmed by the responses. I work very hard through the week and the only time I can reply is in the early morning hours, I read the respones on my Iphone through out the day, if there was a way to log on with the phone, I would. So if someone could tell me if there was a way, i woild appreciate it.

    I read all posts pertaining to JW's. I been following Winston's story and Tech 49's. I also enjoy Blondies comments, Lois lane, Flipper, Smiddy's, Data Dog, Siri82, Atlantis, too many to mention, etc. Many Good People here. I have read Barbara Anderson's story(my first reveal last year), and COC, In Search CF By Ray Franz. I actually know some of the Brothers personally involved with his case. Later on that. Ed Dunlap's interview is fantastic to listen too.

    My wife and I are not born in's. We did meet at a DC and the rest is history. She does not know that I am posting on this site yet. She caught me 6 months ago and read some postings for over an hour. Her reply was "I am not prepared for this". So, not in her presence do I read on this forum. But we do talk alot about certain issues with the ORG and the local Brothers. We have both Pioneered for many years, so this is going to be a lloonngg fade.

  • Honesty

    "I am not prepared for this".

    I wasn't either and I quickly found out just how unprepared I was.

    I tried to make it go away but it wouldn't so I did.

    Have been out for about 10 years now.

    One of the best decisions I ever made.

    Welcome to the board JJ.

    I hope you help loads of JW's find out TTATT.

  • besty

    welcome to JWN - please stick around and keep posting - would be good to get a feel for the current state of mind in the rank and file

    will be interesting also to hear your take on Jehovah God -> Christian God -> Theism -> deism -> agnosticism -> atheism

  • smiddy

    Thank you JJ for the update , their are a few people on this board who are more capable than I, on how to tread carefully with your wife`s feelings as to how much you divulge and how soon you reveal your true feelings about the religion.Take it slow and easy.

    Personally I found Don Camerons book" Captives Of A Concept" a phrase taken from Ray Franz`s book to be more helpfull in my case , I downloaded it from lulu for 7 bucks ,the best money I ever spent.

    Glad to have you on board and wish you good fortune in freeing your wife from bondage to a manipulative control regime known as the WTB&TS


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "I am not prepared for this"

    This is basically where my wife is at now. Keeping up appearances for family's sake, and holding on to scraps of faith in god.

  • flipper

    JAMES, a big welcome to you as well again ! Nice to hear your story . Hang in there with your wife. Things will sort themselves out in time- one way or the other. Just know that we are here for you as friends and a support. Many of us have been in your shoes and it's not easy. It's good that you are doing a gradual fade. Sounds like the right way to go in your particular situation. Take care, Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Since this is a new phaze for me, I still pray several times to Jehovah through Jesus. They are not the ones to blame for all the "False Expectations". I am disappointed that I am this old in this world. I was told by the BORG (someone define for me), that this would not happen.

  • besty

    I was never "all in" like you were but had a true believer wife I needed out with

    I am not prepared for this

    thats your job now :-) good luck!

  • besty
  • ldrnomo

    A pseudo- race , dwelling in the Star Trek universe, the Borg force other species into their collective and connect them to "the hive mind";

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