Very Upset- Would Like Feedback

by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I just returned from a remarkable day in NYC. It will be one of the key days of my life. My purpose in going into Manhattan was to find an apartment. I already know the city so well. It is very hard to find an apt. in NY even if you have millions. Yet generation after generation of college grads and high school grads enter the rental mkt every year. The stories people tell make it seem impossible but it happens. I believe it was this way in New Amsterdam.

    I made a point of going to a midtown church where I had my memberhsip, pledged a lot of money for me, and volunteers hundreds, if not thousands of hours. Periodically, I would go into worship and shop. I prepared to make a concerted effort to re-establish connections. When I arrived at the church, it seemed a bit different but time did pass. There is a formal reception area. I believe most of it is post 9-11 security. Long before 9/11, I wanted and begged for more security, particulary for women and children. The bldg is right across a narrow street from a terrorist's dream hit.

    I went in, dressed well, but not full corporate. I told her I had been a member for twenty years, a member of a private social club there, and volunteered in the church administration and ministries. Were it not for my physical illness, I never would have had time to do these things. It was one benefit of being ill --if one can call it a benefit. I paid my dues. I asked if I could talk to a clery member or administrative staff for a few minutes to say hello, ask which present ministries or clubs would most appeal to me and were I could serve the best. I mentioned I wanted to know if thru informal network anyone would know about apartments.

    After the Witnesses, it was very hard for me to approach people. My college profs always told us to do it anyway. They made nice fun of us and asked, "So what, what is the worst that can happen. " With clinical and very corporate detachment, she informed me I was completely inappropriate and I was begging in a church. I stood taller and said, "the paid clery here does not have two or three minutes for a courtesy call." No. What the F. happened while I was away. They trusted me to overhear important and sensitive information. I informed her where I practice and that I was going to pull out directories call people, and write effective letters to the rector (the top priest in these churches) and the Bishop of New York. She mocked me.

    I was in tears. Nevertheless, I resolved to continue my networking with a store and some clubs in the area. I never made it. Within a few seconds, I was in a taxi, heading up to the Bishop's office. I worried that the poor taxi driver might worry that he had an ax murderer in his cab so I diverted myself by discussing the economics of NYC taxi business. After we chatted for fifteen minutes (it was a very long and expensive fare), I calmed down and asked, "May I tell you when I started out in tears." I told him. He said it is a very bad church but where you are going is a good church with very good people." I thought he was priest or attended the local seminaries. He clicked his tongue and said, "Do you think you are the first one I've had in my taxi? I said with utter shock, "there have been other people upset?" He said "Yes., oh yes." "I can't help but over hear. But you doing the right thing going to this church. The man does not live in Manhattan, belong to the denomination. He then informed me that many years ago the bad church was a very good church that helped many rich and poor people but not it was a business.

    To shorten the tale, I ended up at the Bishop's Office. They said most people come in by appt. I said, "Oh, no. I want an appt. Please, I would not be so rude as to not make an appt." Next, a special priest with behind the scenes power was talking to me. I told him what happened. In fact, I even told him that I was raised a Witness. He said tactfully what a journey." He even heard about the random taxi driver. I told him if I thought someone were emotionally disturbed or just uncouth, I would not be so hurt. She was so proper.

    He gave me his business card. His influection, face, the words he spoke were magical to me. It was everything I wanted to hear. The Bishop will hear about it at the earliest possible moment. He told me the name of key priests at the midtown church and what to highlight. So, being me, "You don't think I am being improper?" "No, I am so glad (with sincere face or he is an Academy Award actor). The senior clergy need to know what happened as soon as possible. Ever uncertain b/c of the Witnesses, I said, "Father, please be candid and honest with me. Did I do something wrong or inappropriate or not Waspy. This is not the culture in which I was raised. I am often uncertain of the unwritten rules. Father, what is wrong with begging? He said emphatically, "you did everything right. You were not begging and nothing is ever wrong with begging."

    I am back home. Part of me wonders if I ever went up to the Bishop's Office. Maybe I am fantasizing. It hurt me so much b/c of the Witness upbringing.

    I am now back home. Still uncertain. I could have badmouthed the church in certain places so their restaurant base customers and others would hear. Also, I have directories. It is a surprisingly small world. Despite the years away, we knew about six key players in common in a short conversation. So, time will tell if a worldy church is any better than the Witness. Perhaps it is even worse and I only saw the cute curtains.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Band on the Run, It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. I would have probably done the same thing but in cargo pant shorts and a polo shirt, so I would have looked more like a beggar than you.

    People are people and some people have good days and bad days and some treat others respectfully and others have their prejudices. I would relocate to where you feel that people are nicer to you.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • tec

    I am sorry that you were treated by that woman without love, Band. Glad that afterward, and by others, that you were treated with compassion and understanding.

    She is one person. What she thinks does not reflect on who you are.



  • Comatose

    Sorry buddy. Glad you went and talked to him. I hope it works out for you. I hope the one bad woman doesn't ruin your happiness there. I think you were right to feel hurt. And you did the right thing. Best wishes.

  • TD

    I don't have anything in the way of intelligent feedback, but am very sorry about the way you were treated. Hardly "Christian" IMHO.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Band, I have nothing to say except I am sorry that rude person has a job in Public Relations and should not be working a front desk . If I didn't know you were at a Church, I might think she was doing her boss...Anyway, if someone doesn't make a fuss, who's going to know?. Right? When you say how the rest of your day went I couldn't think but what myself and others did today.

    Someone on JWN is taking care of Cotton Tail baby bunnies.

    My daughter and I told our neighbor, which way her two run away horses went. Now we are getting ready to make and pour concrete in a hole so we can put a clothes line pole in the ground and enjoy fresh sheets and towels hanging on the line in the summertime and you Band are dressed up, but not corporate (can you PM me and tell me the difference. Does dressing corporate mean expensive all brand name everything, from top to bottom? Two piece designer suit, dark color, tucked in blouse, dark leather shoes, no toe peeking or sling backs, modest jewelry nothing swinging or distracting, no boobs showing, proper undergarments, normal daytime make up and hair, with French tipped nails?)

    I find your day and how you handled yourself rather fascinating. I would love to hear how your day goes whenever you visit Manhattan.

    Off topic a little. Have you ever dined at The Russian Tea Room? The last time we were in NYC, I wanted us to go, plus take along a taxi load of Bethelites. We planned our trip in advance but The RTR was closed for renovations during our time there.

    Just Lois

  • humbled

    If you HAD been in rags and Had been begging all the worst for her response.

    No excuse for her treatment of you. So very unkind.

    Glad you let the Bishop know. He should know. He should tell that woman who was so cruel that she isn't showing the face of Jesus at all.

  • LisaRose

    You did nothing inappropriate or wrong, and even if you had, it would not justify the rudeness on the part of that person. She was very unprofessional. I am an antique dealer, so when I moved two years ago, I looked for a place to sell my wares. I thought I found the perfect place, my style fit in very well with the place. I found the manager and a few of the other dealers to be a bit condescending and nit picky, but sales were great, I assumed I would fit in eventually. Unfortunately, it became worse over time. It almost seemed this one person was following me to catch me doing something. I went to get a piece of tape once, and this person said " You know Lisa, there is a box of supplies for the vendors, so you don't have to STEAL my supplies" this was said in a snotty tone (not joking) front of many customers. A freaking piece of tape! And the supply box was new that month, I hadn't been told about it. The second time something like this happened, I gave my notice. I had no hard feelings, it was just a bad fit for me. I found a place that is professional, and where I am treated with respect. Life is to short to live with that nonsense. I think some people are unhappy in their lives and take it out on everyone they meet.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My concern and the main reason I jumped into the taxi and went where I went (wondering if I was doing something reckless. Who might she know>) was that people in that part of town come from all over the world. Very wealthy people live and work there and very poor people are there. When I volunteered inside the Cathedral every day, I was shocked at how many truly bad things happen to people. Even if they are not religious at all, when a child dies or a spouse dies, they come into the church b/c it is a church. I had people faint dead away on me when I was all alone. It did not happen all the time but regularly. People just know it is a church.

    People with no clue behind the scenes and with no power can be deeply hurt. Another problem we had was that Episcopal Churches and Roman Catholic Churches look identical to each other. We call people and places by the same name. I know better and when I am away, I end up sitting through half an hour of a Roman Catholic service before I realize I am in the wrong place. Many of the people I helped cannot read. There are rules worked out in advanced to deal with problelms this poses. The basic rule is no poaching of worshipers. So people were crying and falling all over the place, I had to call the priest on duty immediately, stay calm, decide whether to call an ambulance, count tourists coming in, and watch that no priceless portable art was stolen. There was some code to tell the priest to hurry in extreme cases.

    I had no advanced training in what to do. Believe me, I don't know what to say. Unlike some people , I know I only know what I know. The priest would come, take the people some private place that was quiet and secluded, find out what the problem was with confidence and privilege, and then they were about 95% calmer. Next we were told politely to give direction to the local R.C. Church. The church is hard to find so if someone else was around, I would walk them the three or four short blocks to the church.

    I have no clue what they teach clergy in seminary. This was no magic priest. They learn. I know she was wrong. What if I were homeless, illiterate, hungry,............ But I truly don't know who the woman was.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Oh, the Bishop's Office borders where I went to college. So I went into the alumnae office and said the same thing I said at the midtown church. The college staff welcomed me warmly. They showed me the best places to put my flyers and ways to go online. It was a night and day contrast.

    Next, I met a pleasant street person who helped me get around with a bad ankle. We were an unlikely pair. I loved his interesting conversation. He had great insight. We talked about old TV and films. It was all nice banter. I only give money to homeless people on very, very rare occasions b/c I see precisely what they do with it. Drugs. Alcohol. It was so bad that working people said they would take them to a great local restaurant and treat them to a good, hot meal and if anyone looked askance at the homeless person, call the ACLU and other groups. Sometimes they reached out to me and screamed they were starving as I was eating food on my way to the subway. I could not eat all my gourmet food anyway. It was really good stuff that I walked far out of my way to get. I would offer them 3/4 of the best sandwiches in the world. They would throw it on the ground so hard I thought they were going to murder me.

    I always gave money at church soup kitchens where I worked or lived and where I could bust in any hour of the day or night on weekdays or weekends to make certain the church was using my money properly. Lots of people do the same thing.

    I found a lot of help. This priest might make the Manhattan thing much easier, and I discovered very precious street info. I can never find out from a newspaper. It was a great day, overall. A remarkable day. I just needed to vent. Still, I need to write very carefully worded emails just the way the bishop's top aide told me to do. It was a very ugly and painful fifteen minutes but it was very good afterwards. Had I not gone to the bishop's office, I might just go right back to Phila.

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