Please explain why the elders are doing this to us

by label licker 33 Replies latest social physical

  • Scott77

    "...What a cult and all through two stupid uneducated bums who live off their parents and work parttime with no goals but to run around with swelled heads. What a couple of brain dead idiots..."
    label licker

    This is the exact kind of behavior that helped me to discover the TTATT. I consider them as a 'blessing in disguise'. By such conducts, they are telling us that they are not exactly what they are inside. wha happened?, states, "....He would pick out any publisher with low hours, and they rip them apart. Of course not to their face, but would just character assasinate them". You see, they are so merceless, brutal and evil in this respect. I have endured years of character assasinate but in the end, not only has it made me strong but also helped a lot in many ways as to the discovery of their TTATT. Your solution might be to approach an attorney to issue a warning letter in strongest term possible. They will listen.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I don't know your whole situation but if elders talk to you, evade their questions on fds stuff, say like it's personal or you don't know and act like you're confused as to why they're even talking to you and deny that you said anything to anyone! That couple who denounced you obviously did it to deflect the elders'attention from themselves- it's called secondary behaviour. They've been called on something so they distract the prosecution by raising secondary issues.

  • Fernando

    The evil spirit that inhabits Pharisees never changes - same old, same old...

    As others have said many times, give nothing away, let them know you are dealing with personal issues, and will contact them if and when needed, and that you would appreciate being left in peace.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    What Fernando said. Seems to be working for me.

  • AnnOMaly

    (1 Peter 4:15) . . .However, let none of YOU suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people’s matters.

    (1 Timothy 5:13) . . .At the same time they also learn to be unoccupied, gadding about to the houses; yes, not only unoccupied, but also gossipers and meddlers in other people’s affairs, talking of things they ought not.

    Sounds like what the elders are doing. If that is all it is - that they're nosying around because a long-timer couple who haven't been to meetings for a few weeks were seen talking to you - then they are meddling in matters that are none of their damn business.

    Play it cool. It's going overboard to put up No Trespassing signs and threaten with lawyers IMHO. At the moment, the storm is raging between the elders and this couple. If the elders come over and ask you what you and the couple were talking about, quote 1 Peter, tell them it's none of their damn business, WTH is wrong with them, have they nothing better to do than run around to people's houses following idle gossip like "unoccupied widows"?!

  • BroMac

    AnnOMaly, that should do it. Perfect advise IMO.

    Label licker, your default setting as well as the other couple should be to tell them nothing. Nosey buggers

  • cantleave

    If one particular elder is trying to get you they will continue to pursue until they have achieved what they want.

  • nugget

    If the CO is coming then you are right in thinking that there is a drive to clean house. People with ambiguous status have to be put in a pigeon hole and classified. However it seems as if someone is definitely trying to get you Df'd. I agree that they were looking for people to confirm their suspicions and were asking leading questions. What is worrying is that they have classified you as an apostate but lack evidence so are trying to force the issue. Why this has happened is anybody's guess and is probably down to one individual.

    Elders have as much power as we choose to give them. I suggest that their behaviour is harrassment and defamation of character and a cease and desist letter from a lawyer may be the next step.

    This organisation is petty and cruel and this is an example of this.

  • Vidiot

    "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?"

    It's the 50s and McCarthy all over again (in WT microcosm); and yeah, that ended really well.

  • tiki

    they hold no power or authority over you and your life. you are free to be who you are, do what you choose to do, believe what you will. no need whatsoever to engage in any dialogue with them.

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