Bible Writers not just ignorant "goat herders"

by applehippie 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    The ancient city of Ur of the Chaldees was apparently a very advanced civilisation

    Wasn't it destroyed by the meglomaniac bible deity?

  • Phizzy

    "Phizzy, the Bible is not a scientific textbook or history book and has never claimed to be so."

    well said Vidqun, but what are the value of the verses you quoted in showing that the Bible writers said anything unusal for their time ?

  • cantleave

    evolution=adaptation not re-transformation

    Absolute rubbish!

    Evolution is the process by which speciation occurs. This is irrefutable and only idiots try to say otherwise.

    Here is a challenge for you. Go to this thread and justify your stance. You keep calling people out on not being "experts" and then make ridiculous statements from a position of ignorance yourself. This thread has been up for months now, and there has not been one robust rebuttal of any of the points made on it by myself or by cofty. Go on prove your case, convince me that the science I have stuidied and use every day is wrong.

    Go on I dare you!

  • Vidqun

    Steve2, here we are in Cantleave's teritory. Survival of the fittest. Either I slaughter you or you slaughter me. View it within context. If you struggle to do that, read Asterix and the Black Gold. That will put you in the picture in cartoon form.

    Phizzy, for one, how did the writer of Job know about the fire underneath the earth? Quite exceptional for a goatherder! Let's change tack. Let's look at the piramids. No-one can explain how they were built. Not bad for a primitive people. Language as we know it, originated with these people. They were not so stupid as many think.

  • cantleave

    No they certainly were not stupid. The engineering feats of the Egyptions, Roman, Greeks and other ancients are incredible. Unfortunately none of those things were achieved by the ancient Isrealites who seemed to favour destroying over building! Their only achievement of note was the mono-theistic religion that has resulted in so many of the world's problems.

  • mP

    nearly all bible authors were also leaders intheir times. They invented words from god to their advantage. Thats why we have an entire book about priests and what types of food one can offer to god, and why god allows slavery. Rich men always want slaves, they rarely want to give them up. same goes for women.

  • Phizzy

    It is easy to read bible verses and look at them with the benefit of our knowledge and read in to them what is simply not there. Job 28 is talking about methods of Mining, one being using fire to break rocks, it does not show a knowledge of the Molton Core.

    I have never maintained that the Ancients were stupid, far from it, to make the discoveries they did, and their uses of those discoveries, bespeaks intelligence.

    How they managed to construct Pyramids, and if I recall, how Mediaeval Blacksmiths cast chain mail etc etc are mysteries, but do not speak of greater intelligence than is evident today, just some knowledge they acquired, and then was lost.

    Anyone who thinks those early guys were stupid needs to look at early evidence of building, Gobbekli Tepe for example, and needs to read the very early Greek Philosophers, far from stupid.

    The Bible writers were not all Nomads and Goat herders, that kind of epithet is only thrown at them in frustration by people who clearly see what the Bible is, when they are confronted by people who believe, with no proof, that the Bible is something it is not.

  • Seraphim23

    I think the bible is a valuable book even if looked at in only secular terms. Even if it doesn’t track with archaeological history, and God doesn’t speak where he is said to, or if Genesis and other books were an evolved collection of pre-existing religious ideas meshed into an evolving Jewish faith and so on. Even if that is all the case what is the bible? It is a record of our spiritual ancestor’s spiritual journey. It is a rare collection of key holes into how humanity felt and thought about big questions. As such it will still have value and relevance because we are still asking those questions as a species.

    From my own point of view I think God can speak through that journey even despite the issues listed above. I don’t think God will come down and commandeer the human experience as that would defeat the object of us being here in the first place but I think he can act through it. In that respect the bible is a record of this in a variety of ways as complex as humans being are themselves.

  • mP


    The Bible writers were not all Nomads and Goat herders, that kind of epithet is only thrown at them in frustration by people who clearly see what the Bible is, when they are confronted by people who believe, with no proof, that the Bible is something it is not.

    The bible was written by kings and priests who ruled over "nomads and goat herders". Being the nice guys that they were they wrote lots of directives from God to fleece their illiterate subjects.

  • mP


    I think the bible is a valuable book even if looked at in only secular terms. Ev


    For dictators ? It does nothing to help improve lives of the poor but is filled with directives that benefit greedy rich areshooe kings and priests.

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