Bible Writers not just ignorant "goat herders"

by applehippie 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • talesin

    Este,,, not interested in ancient history, but thanks. Also, you have 'cherry-picked' my comment ... the part you commented on is not the 'meat'. Let's see some proof of the Flood, to start with. ;)

    And, I did not say that Biblical places did not exist - I said that history is generally 'revisionist', and the Biblical account, even when regarded as 'history', is most likely revisionist as well.



  • Este

    The bible says the flood happened therefore it did. That's enough proof for me lol.....want more?

    Robert Ballard, the underwater archaeologist famed for discovering the wreck of the Titanic in 1985, claims to have found evidence of the biblical flood that Noah fled, surfing the waters for 40 days and 40 nights, according to Genesis. He says the Black Sea was once merely a freshwater lake -- until an enormous wall of water from the Mediterranean 200 times more powerful than Niagara Falls swept it and everything else away. Including Noah and his ark.

    Read more:

    It is true that not all history is accurate. Once new evidence is discovered it replaces the old. We do not know everything about the planet we just discover relevant information as time passes by......I didn't mean to pick the cherries out of your meat


  • Gopher

    It's obvious Este believes the Noah flood legend because he wants to.

    The earth's history is so full of floods and catastrophes, it would be hard to go to any large region on earth that doesn't have some famliarity with flooding. And this would include even hugely catastrophic flooding, such as the 2004 tsunami that crushed villages close to the Indian Ocean's coast.

    Besides, this Black Sea event is not scientific evidence of a worldwide flood such as is recounted in the Bible. Really there is no scientific evidence of a WORLDWIDE flood. This is why certain believers go with the "huge localized flood" theory.

  • Este

    Besides, this Black Sea event is not scientific evidence of a worldwide flood such as is recounted in the Bible. Really there is no scientific evidence of a WORLDWIDE flood. This is why certain believers go with the "huge localized flood" theory.

    Ok so you are a skeptic woopty many of you come along and think they know more than the experts in the field of archaeology?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're right, AppleHippie, they were NOT all goatherds, and I'll bet that in Sheol a cheer went up when you came to the defense of these ancient worthies.

    They certainly were not all goatheards - some of them were sheep-herders, some of them may have been fishermen, some of them were murderers using "G*d told me to" as their excuse, some of them were rapists, many of them were imaginary, and of those who were not, all were liars and parasites. And ragheads.

    Thanks for requesting clarification.

  • Este

    They certainly were not all goatheards - some of them were sheep-herders, some of them may have been fishermen, some of them were murderers using "G*d told me to" as their excuse, some of them were rapists, many of them were imaginary, and of those who were not, all were liars and parasites. And ragheads.

    bigot ! ! !

  • sooner7nc

    I think that the word to describe them should start with "Goat" and end with "er" but with a completely different word in the middle. Let the reader use discernment.

  • HarryMac

    Ok so you are a skeptic woopty many of you come along and think they know more than the experts in the field of archaeology?


    My archaeology professor believed in evolution.

  • Este

    My archaeology professor believed in evolution.

    evolution=adaptation not re-transformation

  • HarryMac

    Ok, to be more exact... he believed in Early Hominids.

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