British zone visit from David Splane - a report from the special meeting in Glasgow

by slimboyfat 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • amos77

    Thank you for the report. I thought the checklist most interesting, creating more "structure". After I left the JW 30 years ago and went to Uni and did a lot of research into brain washing - 11 of the 12 steps of brainwashing were done by JWs. The only difference was that in communist brainwashing, they break you down first. For the JWs we trolled from door to door finding broken people. 1. Break them down. 2. Isolate them from friends, relatives (no xmas, birthdays). 3. Give them propaganda material to read. 4. do not allow other materials (no other Bibles or Christian literature). 5. Focus only on the beautiful future. 7. Do not allow commiserating over the present. 8. Keep them so busy they do not have time to think. 9. No looking back at the past, constant warnings that the person would be worse off to revert. There were another 3 which I cannot recall at the moment - but essentially 11 out of 12 on the checklist. Also pushing young people to identify themselves as JWs - just means they will become generally marginalised by the wordly kids creating an us and them situation. Once you have that, the JW kids are more strongly held with "us". How clever and disgusting. No freedom at all. . so sorry to hear about your gorgeous lady - thought it was going to lead to a happy ending...

  • SAHS

    LOL at those two animated .gif images from "Dismissing servant" on page 1 of this thread! I needed that laugh.

  • hamsterbait

    Just study the photographs of the Gibbering Buddies.

    The eyes are dead, despite the fake smiles.

    They have got to be where they are by kissing a$$ and licking a$$. Eight old fools, who fell for the CRAP the as yet non-existent GB told them. They could not expect to be here now, and flounder for ways of keeping the hook in the noses of the Sheeples.

    Looking at their ages, and the NOOLITE, the system is going on for at least another 30 years, unless Mark Sanderson is killed before then...


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    "Nutrageous". I love it. Can I borrow this word?

  • Moses Unedited
    Moses Unedited

    The Governing Body can discourage and condemn college all they want, but reality is going to eventually catch up to them. Twenty years from now, there is going to be large numbers of people who begin to wake up and realize just how wrong the GB’s stance was on college. Being stuck in exhausting, low paying work with little satisfaction and few options - while still waiting on Jehovah - will move people to begin to seriously question the “wisdom” that they put their faith in.

    I have seen many Witnesses realize in their 30s and 40s that they simply must get more education; and even sacrifice a meeting night to attend a local college. Rank and file Witnesses are not shielded from the evolving global economy in the way that the Watchtower leadership is. They must daily confront the realities of living in the world AS IT REALLY IS; not some idealized fantasy world. The arrival of Jehovah’s chariot has been “just around the corner” for a century now. This has not escaped the notice of many people who are realizing that there are many people around them in their 50s and 60s who are suffering very difficult consequences for having listened to the “end is near” drum beating by the organization 40 years ago.

    The GB can no longer hide behind the nebulous term “Faithful and Discreet Slave Class” anymore. They have now put themselves out front and up on the pedestal as the GOVERNING body. When these stupid policies of theirs come to fruition, and people realize it was all wrong, they won’t blame it on some amorphous class of people. They will now have names and faces to go with them.

  • slimboyfat

    That's a good point about the GB now making themselves solely responsible for policies as the F & DS. There is no one else to blame now when they get stuff wrong.

  • Phizzy

    Eight men responsible for a Blood Doctrine that still causes the unnecessary death of so many.

    Eight men whose twisted DFing policy causes immense suffering and even suicide.

    Eight men who refuse to implement a progamme that would protect the vulnerable from abuse.

    Eight men who pretend to speak for God.

    Eight men who could correct all this with a few strokes of the pen.

    May their being called to account come very very soon.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yes. More people will see them for what they really are. The more they promote themselves, the more people should leave.

  • cantleave

    Has anyone got a recording?

  • Oubliette

    Moses: The GB can no longer hide behind the nebulous term “Faithful and Discreet Slave Class” anymore.

    That is a really great point.

    As a result, there is--or at least should be-more accountability for their error since WT doctrines, practices and policies can clearly be attributed to them.

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