Newby here

by 1009 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Welcome 1009! Glad to have you here with us

  • BU2B

    Welcome to the forum! I am so happy that you found out TTATT and found a beautiful woman who truly loves you and you her :)

    Look forward to hearing your take on things-


  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome Micheal (1009) and Freedom4all,

    Micheal, I'm sorry about your JW experiences and happy that you met someone who you love. I'm curious if you have any residual feelings that the WTBTS might still know the "Truth" about the Bible. I know a former JW who does not believe that the Bible is the word of God, but does believe that the WTBTS does know the "Truth", if it is the word of God. The WTBTS's BITE control techniques are very powerful and may affect you for a long time after living the WTBTS.

    Freedom4all, I am glad that you are posting. Have you thought about posting an introduction of yourself? I posted a belated introduction of myself, because I was new to posting on any online forums. It is too bad that JWN does not have forums for non-English languages and moderators to moderate those forums. For your information (FYI) and I hope that it helps you understand what I write, I use the following accronyms:

    WTBTS = the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

    BITE = Behaviorial, Informational, Thought, & Emotional control techniques that Steve Hassan uses to determine whether an organization is a dangerous cult

    IMHO = In my humble opinion

    LOL = laugh out loud

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • whathappened

    Welcome to all new ones. We enjoy hearing your stories.

  • 1009

    Thank you all for the warm welcome.

    Freedom4all said:

    Goedemorgen Michel

    Leuk om niet de enige ote zijn. Volgens mij zijn er nog wel meer.

    Gopher said:

    Are your parents still JW's, and if so how are you getting along?...

    I moved toward agnosticism slowly but surely after I made my way out

    My parents got divorced and my father was DF when I was 6 years old. We had contact frequently, even after I became pioneer and MS. My mother became 'inactive' a few years ago. Both were very suprised with my DF, but support me all the way.

    About the agnoticism: same here.

    Cadellin said:

    First, female sexuality operates completely differently then men (okay, flaming obvious, right?) As a woman, at least for me, desire moves in tandem with ovulation. Ovulation=horniness. Wrong time of the month? Men are just not that appealing--it's not that desire is completely gone, but the flames need to be very deliberately fanned through fantasy and erotica. Most good JW women wouldn't dream of doing such things and so, if it's a non-ovulating time, they're going to be as dead as doornails. I suspect most good JW wives are like that A LOT of the time. Plus they're not going to experiment with new moves, like oral sex, that can stir the flames nicely.

    Agree. But with the note that real asexuality goes further. Like a sexual preference. In the case the lack of the desire.

    ABibleStudent said:

    I'm curious if you have any residual feelings that the WTBTS might still know the "Truth" about the Bible. I know a former JW who does not believe that the Bible is the word of God, but does believe that the WTBTS does know the "Truth", if it is the word of God. The WTBTS's BITE control techniques are very powerful and may affect you for a long time after living the WTBTS.

    I don't believe in a God anymore. For me the Bible isn't much more than a nice old book. But i recognise the influence you're refering to. I'm still convinced that JW are a lot closer to the Bible than other religions. Although I also see their mistakes.

  • Thor

    Hello and welcome Michel!

    Also hi and welcome to HarryMac and Freedom4all!

    Mrs. Thor

  • breakfast of champions
  • heathen

    did the wife rat you out for beating off and watching porn? I know they believe no sex in the NK, (so make a few babies if you must, but don't use sex for pleasure only) but people I don't think are expected to stop now . remember that women are only saved thru faith child bearing and sanctification.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Welcome 1009 and Freedom!

  • SAHS

    “1009” & “Freedom4all”:

    Welcome you too to the Board! You’ve certainly come to the right place, as many others have before you and many more shall also in due time.


    “I know a former JW who does not believe that the Bible is the word of God, but does believe that the WTBTS does know the "Truth", if it is the word of God.”

    Now there’s a switch! Usually it’s the other way around, especially for any “former JW” I’ve ever heard about. Are you sure this “former JW” has all his/her marbles? (Sure doesn’t seem like it.)

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