Newby here

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  • Freedom4all

    Goedemorgen Michel,

    Nice to see someone from the same country as I am.

    I'm new here too, so I might introduce myself here aswell.

    I was practically raised in "the truth", baptized when I was only 12, worked at Bethel in the late 70's and pioneered for many years.

    It took me a long time before my eyes were opened.
    The finel push was the discovery of the UN affair.

    I'm free now for the last 6 years and am the webmaster of

    It's in Dutch, so sorry for all you folks who can't read it.
    At the other hand.....I'm having difficulty understanding all the abbreviations you all use in your messages.

    I finely deciphered TTATT

    Nice to meet you all and greetings from Holland.

  • jookbeard

    a nice good brief story, all the best for the rest of your life

  • Gopher

    Hi Michel & Freedom: welcome to the board.

    Michel - nice introductory post! Are your parents still JW's, and if so how are you getting along? I too was an MS, now disfellowshipped. My parents treat me as if I have a deadly disease. It's sad all around, because I feel that they probably don't want to act that way but don't have the courage to go against the organization.

    As far as the "quiet in heaven", I too have had that feeling of being all alone in the universe. Between that and the presence of unchecked evil on earth, I moved toward agnosticism slowly but surely after I made my way out. (I'm even farther along that spectrum now - but that's a different topic.) Nice to have you here on this board of support!

    Freedom - Like you I spent way too much of my adult life under the influence of the men of Brooklyn, New York. It was frustrating for me because for many years I had a vague feeling something was wrong but I always convinced myself "the good outweighed the bad" in the JW organization. It's clear that was wishful thinking.

    I remember when the Awake magazine started publishing favorable articles about the United Nations in the 1990's. I was still a loyal JW, and I seriously wondered why they were doing that, since in my younger years they always portrayed the UN in their literature as a cartoonish evil beast. In 2001 when the news broke that the WT Society was affiliated with the NGO - their hypocrisy became so very clear.

    Did you realize that the news of that scandal first broke on this website, and was picked up by The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom?

    Here is a link to the thread that revealed the WT-UN link:

    Shortly after The Guardian article, the Watchtower quietly disassociated itself from the UN, similar to an embarassed child who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!

    Welcome aboard to you both.

  • Freedom4all


    I knew about The Guardian but not that it broke first at this website....I did't even know that this website existed.

    Almost 7 years ago I was at a Microsoft convention and there was a brother I had not seen for a long time.
    He asked if I was still active as a JW and if I knew about the UN affair.

    I said that had to be a lie and had to come from ex-JW...but he gave me some websites to look up.
    Promised to look into it with the idea to unmask this lie because the GB would NEVER do something like that.

    Boy, was I wrong.
    After this it took me just a few months to make the dicision to leave, meanwhile losing all my family over this...but I am free now.

    The UN affair was practically unknown in The Netherlands so I thought it was time for

    Now I have helped more people to leave the "truth" then I brought people in the "truth" in almost 40 years. :-)

  • Gopher


    I am glad that you went to that Microsoft convention and that your JW acquaintance took the chance to speak up and expose the WTS / UN affair.

    I'm sorry to hear you lost your family over this. However I am glad you have been able to help people break the chains that bound them to a lying, conniving organization posing as a religion.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Congrats on moving on with your life!

    Kool Jo

  • zeb

    asexual hmm read the wikipedia information and could add. In Females: Has had desire destroyed by poor body image and the opinions of others or eronious teachings". Belief that personal pleasure is bad.

    I think that covers it.

  • Oubliette

    Welcome to both Michel (1009) and Freedom4all

  • Cadellin

    Welcome to both Netherland newbies: I want to chime in on the asexual thing in women, speaking as a woman who was raised a good JW.

    First, female sexuality operates completely differently then men (okay, flaming obvious, right?) As a woman, at least for me, desire moves in tandem with ovulation. Ovulation=horniness. Wrong time of the month? Men are just not that appealing--it's not that desire is completely gone, but the flames need to be very deliberately fanned through fantasy and erotica. Most good JW women wouldn't dream of doing such things and so, if it's a non-ovulating time, they're going to be as dead as doornails. I suspect most good JW wives are like that A LOT of the time. Plus they're not going to experiment with new moves, like oral sex, that can stir the flames nicely.

  • Ding


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