WT August 15, 2013 QFR - Sitting next to a disfellowshipped child at meetings

by Designer Stubble 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot
    AndDontCallMeShirley - "As Ray Franz related in CoC, a simple question such as, 'should a JW help a disfellowshipped young mother carry her baby stroller, with the baby in it, up a long flight of dangerously steep stairs?', had to be asked of WT by the elders. Grown men had to ask permission to display not only practical, but more importantly, Christ-like kindness and love."

    Yeah, I remember reading that and saying out loud, "WTF???"... My dad had been a devout elder, and if I had refused to help in a similar situation, he'd have kicked my ass from there to the following Wednesday...

    A couple of other standouts from that book (at least for me, anyway), were:

    A) one guy asking if a certain sister was "within her rights" to do something (I don't even remember what, it was piddling); the first thing I thought was, "'within her rights'??? Who the hell does this f**ktard think he is?"

    B) another guy stating that if the WTS said the sky was red, he'd believe/accept it.

    And these were fellas high up the chain of cammand.

    Total facepalm moments.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers


    I believe this to be an actual QFR as this is becoming a widespread situation. There are always the hardcore that sit at the hall and "police" the congregation. It doesn't have to be some old bro or sis, typically it is the up-and-comer that wants to make a name for himself. After all, if you are a 30 something and show yourself to be more "company oriented," you can really move up quickly. Where once "holier-than-thou" was considered unbalanced and immature, now it is desired.

  • Simon

    "unduly" concerned? The implication being that you should be at least somewhat concerned ...

    And let's not forget, you're talking about a minor who has been disfellowshipped. A minor?!?!

    Allowing them to be baptized in the first place make them a joke of a religion IMO.

  • problemaddict

    So here is a thought. What if your minor child was disfellowshipped, but also decided he might have a made a mistake and did not want to be a part of the religion anymore. Are the parents going to semi-shun their child and just count down the days until they are 18 to get them out?

  • minimus


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    [I reconsidered posting what I actually typed. The number and variety of expletives would have had me banned]

  • jgnat

    I'm with Lois and Simon. This article makes it abundantly clear that a minor should never be baptized. I mean, the specter of being separated from the natural affection and company of family and peers? That price is too steep.

  • happytobefree

    This article is the reason why I abhor the JW religion.

    When I was a teenager, one of my peers was disfellowshipped and was pregnant. We were at an assembly and she had to endure the heat, the humiliation of being a pregnant teen, then she was sitting in the stadium seats all by herself and not one person spoke to her that day (including her family, which had 5 total siblings). She was sitting in front of me, and my heart was so sad for her...I observed her the whole day. It was just unbelievable.

    ...I ofter wonder how she is doing....because the p sychological impact of this treatment.

    This is one burder that I want to conquer...hating the JW organization...because this is just crazy. But I still believe, there could not be a WTBS without gullible followers.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    ADCMS: Yes when I read that part in CC, I was very sick to think that I use to think that way also. Very heartless!!

    affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • wasblind

    A lot of the first century Jews were afraid of the pharisees, why would it be any different for the present =-day R&F JW's ?

    Hell, when I was in, I was way more scared of the prospect of being disfellowshipped that I ever was of pissing off God___Vidiot

    It ain't the play book of the Pharisees the WTS use. It's this book

    Black code or Black laws ( Shepherd the flock and Organized to do Jehovah's will books ) were statutes to govern and regulate the behavior of the slaves, it was extremely difficult to be aware of all the codes that governed thier lives, so it was better to remain submissive and cowering "

    When ever necessary. These laws could be made even more strict to keep the slaves in line


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