Off to the Doctor.

by LouBelle 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel
  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm very relieved that you went to the doctor and that she was kind and helpful. The world has a shortage of truly nice, truly kind people, Lou. We need for you to stick around.

  • ohiocowboy

    I'm glad that you went to the Doctor! I've been taking antidepressants for several years now, and they have worked wonders! I still have some issues, but the meds help balance things out so that I do not go to the depths of despair in the way that I used to. Depending on what you are taking, it may take a few weeks before you really notice anything, but once they kick in, you will notice a definite difference in how you are feeling, so please be patient and give them a chance to start working.

    There are tons of different antidepressants on the market, and some work better than others depending on the person. It took several tries with different meds until I found the one that works the best for me (Lexapro). If for some reason the one you are taking doesn't work for you, there are plenty of others that will. Sometimes it is a trial and error type thing and you have to be patient until you find the best one suited for you.

    I'm so happy for you!!!

    Below is a website that I have found very helpful over the years. Everything is presented in a fun and sometimes humorous way so that you feel comfortable in learning about your diagnosis, the different meds used, side effects, etc. They also have an online support forum so that you can talk to others who are on the same meds and learn how the meds have affected them. There are people from all walks of life there to discuss things with, with a wide array of diagnoses. The main site and forum are completely non-judgemental, and everyone there is there to learn more about themselves and to help each other.

    Here is the link to their online forum...

    Take care!!!

  • LouBelle

    Thanks everyone. I have been told that it will take 2 -3 weeks before I will that lift. That's why the doctor also prescribed tranquilisers - to take the edge off. I never thought I would be taking medication like this - ever. I've always been so strong - from a little girl.

    I know that the past 2 years have been extremely trying, and would be for anyone. I just kept getting closer and closer to that edge. Last week I was ready to jump - really I was. I even told the doctor that I was actually going to see her to get the sleeping pills and build up stock and use them. So I guess there was still a part of me that wanted to live.

    I've been very relaxed these past couple of days. The tranquilisers do knock me a bit and make me VERY chilled. I had 9 hours sleep friday night, woke up on saturday, had breakfast, chatted with my family till about 11 am and I just couldn't keep my eyes open - slept til 4pm. Perhaps my body and mind just needed that break.

    I'm yawning much better at work, but hey, I feel relaxed, so that is what is important.

  • mP


    i would humbly suggest that you get busy. Go out into nature, walk here and there. The fresh air and exercise will leave you too tired to have time for depression.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey Lou, glad you got help! I've been thru the depression thing too like so many people, and it does get better! You'll be up and down, but eventually things will even out now you're getting help.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Without minimizing your pain which is great, your posts show a strong, spunky woman. If depression has grabbed you, you have inate abilities that no one or no thing can strip from you. Reading your posts, I am impressed by your spunk and initiative. I don't whether this is your first time seeking help but going to the MD is a leap. You did it. People did not have to force you physically.

    You are down temporarily. Unless you are very different than your posts, it will be all right with some time. Time can stand still, though. The very fact that you appreciated and made yourself go the md shows that your depression is not massive. Spunk helps so much.

    A college classmate was hospitalized for depression. She had to leave school for a couple of years. A religious prof. suggested that she view the time as a period of reflection, similar to monastic contemplation. You may emerge much stronger in the long run. I find in my personal life a war between my temperament, which is out there and do things, and the Witness mindset of passivity.

    You are an out there personality. I suspect that you shape your world in so many ways. People are reacting to the basic you, not general depression advice.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Loubelle, I am happy to hear you got the help you needed. I too have been through it and I know how scary it is and it can shut your life down in no time. It will take two to three weeks before you feel the meds working and hopefully they have the right combination for you. I was on them for close to 30 years and right before I left the oraginaziation I started switching off of them to a natural one and it has been very successful for me. I can honestly say that the religion was my biggest depressor and once I eliminated that from my life it changed so much for me. I hope you will get back to the things you enjoy in life real soon. I know you will feel like a new person once you have that imbalance corrected. It is amazing how different things will look to you once this happens. Don't give up if it isn't changing, it just means you don't have the correct meds for your body. Everyone is different and some people have to try a few before they find the right combinations. I am thinking of you!

  • whathappened


    Glad to hear you went for professional help. Please get out and make friends and watch all the crazy comedy shows you can...standup comiedy, movies, YouTube videos, etc. Make your self laugh. I know it is hard, but you must make yourself do what is good for you, like eating your fruits & veggies.

    Let us know how you are doing.

  • cult classic
    cult classic


    Getting more sleep alone is going to help you feel better. It is IMPOSSIBLE to feel good and in control when you're sleep deprived.

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