Off to the Doctor.

by LouBelle 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Clinical depression is very specific, low mood + low energy + anhedonia (unable to find things pleasurable) for over 2 weeks.

    it is indeed a chemical imbalance in the brain, its mechanical, like not having enough air mixed into the fuel when your engine is running, the car wont function at 100%. There is no blame, no stigma, you have no control over this imbalance. Anyone that has a 'pull yourself together' attitude is ignorant of the underlying physiology. Who would say such a thing to someone with a broken leg?

    Depression is real and it is hard for people to cope with. Doing activities that you enjoy will help, it will release more of the good chemicals into your brain and help counter the current imbalance. The problem is, be definition with depression, you,don't want to do the things you enjoy and you don't enjoy them as much.

    So very briefly, in your brain you have happy chemicals (serotonin 5HT, adrenaline) and you have doors that let them out the brain (receptors). The antidepressants close the door on these chemicals so they can't leave, they build up to normal levels. Depression itself can be a physical malfunction of these 'doors' or the production of happy chemicals.

    SSRIS (selective seretonin reuptake inhibitor) are first line therapy, fluoxetine (Prozac) citalopram, escitalopram.... These have minimal side effects of nausea, vomiting etc for some people. They work for many people. Though they take at least 6 weeks to work, because once they close that door, it takes that long to build up the good chemicals. So give it time. Of course, doing activities you enjoy whilst on the drugs will help you get back on track.

    Alll the best and stay strong, there is light at the end of the depression tunnel! It's a physical imbalance, there is a physical solution.

    snare x (ps just a trainee doctor, not a doctor)

  • SophieG

    LouBelle, I've had 3 major depressive periods in my life and I was on anti-depressant meds for years. The cool thing is that if your doctor gets the right mix for you (dosage/strength/frequency…etc) it can really help to clear the cobwebs and get the chemical imbalance straightened out so that you can feel better and THINK more clearly. To me, when mine kicked in it felt like a fog was lifted off of my brain. It happened when I was out driving one day and my brain went; *POP*! It blew me away.

    Changing my lifestyle (leaving JW-Land) and developing a deep desire to be happy and doing things with that intent, really helped me to eventually get off the medication. It was a stepping-stone for me, something to help me get to a point where my brain was calm enough to think about my life and make some serious changes. Medication does not SOLVE but it can HELP!

    When you can think better, you can do better. You can learn to relegate your thoughts more and make them more positive.

    I think you’re doing great. One day at a time…I am very excited for you!!! Looking forward to you bringing your fierceness back!

  • LouBelle

    It's done. I was determined not to cry but as soon as she asked how I was doing - water works. She was very good, she explained all the terms and what happens and how the brain works ( Thanks snare - I'll keep this for reference)

    What you said Snare "doing things you enjoy helps you release those feel good chemicals and yet you don't want to do them and even when you do, you don't get as much enjoyment! That is so so spot on and that describes me to a tee. I don't have the energy to pull my camera out, or my poetry or even to take walks in the sunshine - it's toooo much effort. I can't even eat right.

    She did say it would take time - I'm on 6 months for now and then we'll determine at the close of that where I want to go. I'm on a tranquiliser for 2 weeks to take the edge off while the anti-depressant takes time to work.

    Well guys - If it was not for the prompting from everyone here to seek professional help, I very much doubt I would have. I know it's not going to solve my problems of the job and finances, but I just may be able to hang in there better. We shall see.

    Feeling super emotional.

  • sillygirl2013

    Get better Loubelle, I love how most folks in JWN look out for each other. You're special in many's hearts obviously. Get better soon.

  • nonjwspouse

    It's so good you went. I have had more than one depressive episodes in my life. I think my body has a natural tendancy towards depression, but when severe life happens, well, sometimes I feel like I fall off a cliff and I can't get back up. Those are the times I took medication and used talk therapy to help get back up again.

    When the chemical imbalance happens it's like all your motivation is taken away, your thought process changes, you know what you should do, what you need to do, but you literally can't.

    My weight is finally up to a healthy level again. It took months for me to get back to a point of not feeling like I was in a hole.

    I hope your depression is lifted somewhat soon and you then can see the light at the end of that depression tunnel.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Well done Lou Belle...((((hug))))

  • Comatose

    Sweet belle. So happy you made the trip to the doctor. It will get better. I'm on some what I hope are short term anxiety/depression meds. They help immensely. Good luck! Hang in there, we care about you.

  • designs

    Glad you sought help from a professional, let us know how things are going

  • SophieG


    By the way, stop fighting the urge to cry. Crying is an enormous release!!!

  • Giordano

    Whew!! Thank you so much for getting help. I couldn't stand the thought of you leaving. Amazing how we form attachments to people who we only know through their words and picture. I read something of interest that I was going to post on a separate thread (related to education) you have inspired me to go ahead and post it. GIO

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