HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!

by Gojira_101 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101


    Brother of the Hawk is NOT being offensive. My father (Brother of the Hawk) knows more about deaf culture than you clearly do.

    Do you know deaf people? Do you know ASL? Have you even studied about deaf culture???? If you have and you know everything about deaf people then please try to explain to me, someone who has been a sign language interpreter for 10 years, who works with deaf people everyday, who has to live in two different cultures in order to facilitate communication for two different cultures so there is no misunderstanding....Please explain to me how he is being offensive since clearly you know more than I do.

    Let me try to educate you on deaf culture. With deaf people they don't understand "beating around the bushes" type of communication. With deaf people everything is blunt and in your face, because it is a visual language. Everything has to be clear the first time you say. For example.

    If you are wearing an ugly shirt, a deaf person will tell you it is ugly to your face and tell you it should be thrown away.

    I have had deaf people tell me personally, you are too fat, you are gaining to much weight, you don't look good in that shirt. All of these people are people I hardly know. There was one other interpreter I was working with when we were interpreting for this deaf person and the deaf person asked if the other interpreter was pregnant, and the interpreter say no, the deaf person then proceeded to say to the other interpreter, oh you need to lose some weight then, you look like you are pregnant.

    So please since you are the expert here Blacksheep on deaf culture and clearly know more about it then I do. Please educate me because clearly I don't know ANYTHING about deaf people and their culture.....

    [edited to add] And the deaf culture I'm referring to is American Deaf Culture.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Blacksheep: Just found this quote from the Youtube video JWStruggle posted this morning:

    WOW WOW WOW!!! This is absolutely crazy!!! Now that this is aired on YouTube , will they suffer the consequences and the wrath of the elders? They back peddled a lot! And are applying personal opinion! I've had my fair share with an elder who told me to treat my not baptized? son as a disfellowshipped one, because he wasn't living a godly life! I told him where to stick it!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    So what i suggest is, you go and tell them you are a member of an ''apostate '' club and you have been having
    discussions on all of these things and ask them the questions you are asking here. See what they say.

    I'm not that stupid. What they would do is besides the point. The OP insisted that, "If you disagree with this and you talk to me, you will be df'ed. If you get baptized and your kids don't accept the "truth" and you continue to talk to them, you will be df'ed.", which says nothing about if your kids ID themselves as enemies of the Watchtower.

    you say you were never baptised, those that are baptised get treated very differently to those who are not.

    I know that, but there was no distinction made to the potential convert according to the OP.

    I don't know what you do, but if I'm talking to a Dub, or a potential recruit, I word any statements very carefully so that there is no chance of being accused of dishonesty or deceit. I want them to go and look it up in their literature to prove me wrong and quickly find out that they were in the wrong and owe me an apology ...... and I don't want them doing that to me.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    If you are wearing an ugly shirt, a deaf person will tell you it is ugly to your face and tell you it should be thrown away.
    I have had deaf people tell me personally, you are too fat, you are gaining to much weight, you don't look good in that shirt.

    That's a symptom of an Aspie.

    No, I don't know much about deaf or ASL. I assumed from the OP that she could read English.

    I also assume that not all deaf are Aspies and that if I was deaf I wouldn't be too pleased about people describing me as also being Aspie, but I am a bit Aspie myself and not deaf at all, so what would I know?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    From the 2010 Elder's manual, page 60 under Determining Whether a Judicial Committee Should Be Formed: Brazen conduct, loose conduct:

    Willful, continued, unnecessary association with disfellowshipped nonrelatives despite repeated councel.

    Note that they have to not only be DF, they also have to be nonrelatives before a JC should be formed.

  • *lost*

    Black sheep - you are seeing a veneer, a gloss, and you are repeating this here. And arguing about it to boot.

    You have been told the woman was deaf. Of course it is diff to talking in conversation with a regular dub. just like if you were communicating with an Aspie or any other of the Austic spectrum Disorders.

    Have you experience of dealing withh any of the A.S.D persons.

    You have stated you have no experience of communicating with the deaf. Not all deaf people have disabilities.

    Put your money where your mouth is an use your own experience to judge on this topic, tell your parents you are a member of an 'apostate' club and that you don't believe in their religion.

    Do you not trust that they will love you no matter what and they won't cast you out ?

    Or would you be afraid incaase they would cast you out ?

    You don't even have to use the words 'apostate club' just use the information.

    Then tell us how you got on.

    If your assumptions are de-bunked, or verified. Until then you have no experience on the matter, opinion is one thing.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    *lost* an incorrect statement is incorrect in any language. Please show us a statement from the bOrg that confirms that a JW will be DFd for association with a child that never joined the church.



  • Gojira_101

    Blacksheep: I tried to explain about deaf culture....I'm done, you are not understanding anything I'm talking about...I'm sure with you being an aspie you would be a little more understanding towards people with disabilities....here ya go...http://www.deaf-culture-online.com/deafculture.html. Just learn about deaf culture on your own.

    But in my experience you saying their behavior is like an aspie, that is an attack against their culture and they would not take to kindly to that comment....that comment is along the lines when hearing people tell a deaf person they need to be fixed. I'm done. You can post comments all you want, I'm not talking to you anymore until I can see you have researched about deaf culture...there are many sources out there besides the link I provided.



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