Hilarious experience my JW father told me - well it made me laugh

by not bitter 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Don’t ask me why but my Dad recited to me ‘a wonderful experience’ out of the blue. He never talks JW to me so not sure where it came from. Anyway, here goes.

    An American brother came over to the UK who was a great great great grandson of a pastor who was friends with Charles Russell.

    Hope you’re keeping up.

    So Charles gave this pastor some bible student literature and the pastor went back to his congregation and told them all about it.

    The members of his congregation said he shouldn’t be reading that sort of thing because it taught against the belief in the trinity and hell fire and such things. So the pastor told the congregation that they should have a debate about it and study these books. Which they all did in the church.

    And do you know what happened next? That’s right the whole congregation came into the truth. Every single one of them.

    My Dad actually believed this story. Well I imagine all the JW’s told this story would believe it.

  • jwfacts

    Imagine if it really was that easy to convert a person. There would be a lot more than just 7 million JWs. How does anyone that has spent years preaching without ever getting more than one or two converts at most, believe that telling a Church group the trinity is wrong make them all change religions?

  • ssn587

    urban legend at best, and jdubs like urban legends it gives them food to continue in their mind controlled lives.

  • punkofnice

    It feeds into the JW confirmation bias so that they feel they are in the 'truth(TM)'.

    I agree. It's just JW urban legend. I'm in the UK and never heard this one.

    ................and it's all going to be annecdotal with no evidence!

  • LisaRose

    Back in the day, the dubbies liked to talk about others churches, and how other ministers were afraid and intimidated by the superior knowlegde and reasoning skills of the average dub, and they knew the dubs were right, but they didn't want to give up thier cushy jobs, fleecing the flock. I heard variation of this story many times. Dubbies lap this stuff up because it confirms their belief, it so feels good to hear it. The Mormons probably have their own version. These things always happen to "a friend of a friend", they are all lacking in details, and they either give a warning, or confirm a previously held belief. Your father has bias confirmation, he wants to believe it because it feels confirms his belief in his religion, and that feels goid.

    A person I know told me a story about Eddie Murphy, she swore it happened to a friend of hers in South Tahoe, a few months before. I told her I had heard the same story, but involving a different comedian, years before. She still insisted it was true and was annoyed that I didn't believe her. People believe what they want to believe, facts are irrelevant, and you become the bad guy if you question their story.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    People believe what they want to believe, facts are irrelevant, and you become the bad guy if you question their story.

    Or an apostate

  • Oubliette

    Smurfs told me this story just last week!

  • exwhyzee

    There was supposedly a Minister in Canada who was contacted at the door and eventually convinced his whole congregation to become Witnesses. I think they even converted the church to a K Hall.

  • jgnat

    I have a different story, straight from the pastor's mouth. He was approached at the door by a couple witnesses and they were very interested in studying with him. (This was in a small town in Saskatchewan). He said, sure, drop by the church any time and we can discuss. They never did.

  • cantleave

    the pastor told the congregation that they should have a debate about it and study these books. Which they all did in the church. And do you know what happened next? That’s right the whole congregation came into the truth. Every single one of them.

    Apostates the whole lot of them, Russell's teaching were soooo wrong :-)

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