Hilarious experience my JW father told me - well it made me laugh

by not bitter 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Debate the trinity?!

    How about we debate 1914, 587/607, blood, shunning or any other sticking point that airs dirty JW laundry and see how many successful converts...

  • wasblind

    Urban legend= Tellin' lies

    And yes, the Jehovah's witnesses are full of 'em


  • respectful_observer

    That would be as likely as a whole city hearing "The Message" and suddenly repenting.

    Oh wait, never mind. Already happened.

    Thanks Jonah!!!

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    My dub father once claimed that the Pope was quoted as saying, "Why are Jehovah's Witnesses' religion growing faster than the Catholics'?"

    I asked him how he knew that actually happened.

    He said a brother told him at the KH.

    I asked him how that brother knew that actually happened.

    Dad said he didn't know.

    I told him to be sure he knows the original source of stories like that before he states them as facts.

    Dad said he would. I never heard any more "stories" after that.

  • trujw

    My mom once told me brother Franz had the whole bible memorized he only brought it up on stage so as not to be boastful. True story. I was 12 at the time.

  • steve2

    This reminds me of the way in which the "experiences" that brothers and sisters told and retold from the platform at say, special meetings and assemblies "grew" and became more dramatic with each telling.

    I knew a whole family who came into the organization in the early 1970s. They had been a rough and ready bunch who rapidly tidied up their appearances and made a very presentable JW family in a very short time. The visible changes were astonishing. To go from rough dressed, long hair and beard to clean cut and shaven and well dressed is to catch more than the eye.

    Anyway, I got to know the family well, especially the older children who were my peers. They were trundled out at successive meetings and assemblies to recount how they'd come into "the truth" (yuk ) and the wicked and worldly ways they gave up for Jehovah.

    The stories they told became more and more far-fetched - and - get this - no one who knew them batted an eyelid. I recall thinking as they extolled the dramatic changes "I don't recall Xx ever having been into hard drugs or criminal activities". I asked Xx later and he shuffled on his feet and mumbled something about being in lots of situations where he could have used hard drugs and he had a couple of pre-JW minor court convictions for vehicle speeding.

    Why didn't he say that at the assembly then? Why embroider the truth? What's that about?

    To be fair, I think this family was only following the cues from the other brothers and sisters: Exaggerate, exaggerate, exaggerate... all in the name of "the truth". Pretty ironic, huh?

  • sylvlef

    KH are full of urban legends that most JW will believe and report as perfectly real without asking where this is coming from...

    but they Will all laugh at the face of people who believe in "saints" miracle in Lourdes for example...

  • jookbeard

    what about the Yakuza crime boss, who had his own JW daughter slaughtered because she wouldn't come into the crime family, but because he was so impressed by her meekness he ditched the the life of crime , began studying and became an elder? possibly got parts wrong!

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