What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Glander
  • Finally-Free
    FF - was it an ulcer you got ? There seems to be a high incidence of women that get ulcers on their shins. (usually older women, that I know of )

    Actually, it was more like a boil initially. It started when I woke up about 4 AM with a cramp, but on my shin rather than my calf. I thought that was odd, since I never had a cramp like that before. I got up and walked around to work it off, and stubbed my toe on the vacuum cleaner. (yes, I should have turned a light on). At first I thought I'd broken my toe. By the end of the day my toe was black and I had a huge bump on my shin, which didn't hit anything.

    I waited a couple of days but the bump kept growing. The toe healed pretty quickly, but the bump was getting painful enough to keep me awake at night and walking was difficult. The redness was spreading about 2 inches in every direction. I went to the doctor and asked her to lance it and give me antibiotics. She gave me the antibiotics but insisted that there's nothing to lance. I couldn't believe my ears. I went home and lanced it myself, and it took 2 days to drain completely. Two days after that I went to a hospital because the redness continued to spread. They put me on the IV antibiotic, saying that the first doctor gave me the wrong kind.

    When I was seeing the nurses they showed me some dead tissue that they said needed to be removed but they weren't allowed to do it. By this time a month had gone by and the wound wasn't closing. I got fed up and cut the dead tissue off myself, and it finally started to heal. I don't recommend this kind of do-it-yourself surgery, but after a month of seeing almost no improvement I felt frustrated.

    The problem was I was off the pills for a couple of months because I couldn't afford the $300 every month after being unemployed for 8 months. I was trying unsuccessfully to control my blood glucose levels by basically starving myself. When I did eat it was all the wrong kinds of food. My body wasn't in shape to fight off an infection.

    Lesson learned, the hard way which is standard procedure for me.


  • Finally-Free
    I explained the whole thing but I couldn't help feeling a tad resentful. Why do I have to defend my choices?

    This is why I stopped going to visit my sisters on Christmas and other holidays. They get insulted if you don't load up your plate at least 3 times, and then try at least 2 of their cakes. BBQs are the same. I don't need a burger with a full pound of meat, and then sausages and potato salad as well.


  • LV101

    Ahhh, Smarties are M&Ms. Good to know and great idea because they don't melt, hopefully.

    Glander is using the power of suggestion and it's working!

  • jgnat

    lol, glander so true. And all 100 calories.

    finally-free, I tried the starvation method too, while I was waiting to see the doctor. Dreadful, but in the absence of medication, what options are there?

    Teddy Ryder

    Little Tommy, above, went on to live seventy years with daily insulin injections. Without them, he was within weeks of slipping in to a coma.

  • LV101

    I've copied this entire post -- appreciate your topic, jgnat.

  • cliff

    Nestlé Smarties are a colour-varied sugar-coated chocolate confectionery popular primarily in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada,Australia, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Greece, the Nordic countries, South Africa, and the Middle East. They have been manufactured since 1937, [1] originally by H.I. Rowntree & Co.. They are currently produced by Nestlé .

    Smarties are oblate spheroids with a minor axis of about 5 mm (0.2 in) and a major axis of about 15 mm (0.6 in). They come in eight colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink and brown, although the blue variety was temporarily replaced by a white variety in some countries, while an alternative natural colouring dye of the blue colour was being researched.

    Smarties are not distributed in the United States, except by specialist importers. The Smarties Candy Company manufactures a hard, tablet sweet under the name Smarties (known as Rockets in Canada), which is unrelated to the Nestlé product. M&M's are similar to Smarties, but aren't related.

    Cliff. Grew up on them ....

  • *lost*

    smarties - yum yum.

    FF - gosh. Doctors differ patients die, what an idiot that doctor was.

    A few years ago I picked up a great little book. ( More like a pamphlet, lol )

    Sister Anna's Cook Book for Healthy Living. ( Nutritional Information ) - Healthier Living Through Healthier Eating Habits.


    All meats. Poultry, fish, shellfish and Eggs contain a high proportion of protein. Protein will never go to body fat and will satisfy your hunger for nearly twice as long as carbohydrate.

    Vegetable Protein;

    Peas, chickpeas, all varieties of beans and lentils are important, essential to a vegetarian diet whether vegan or otherwise.


    Provide the body with energy. Despite what we have been led to believe over the years, carbohydrate is stored as fat in our bodies and our ever increasing intake of this food group is what is causing the current obesity epidemic.

    Carbohydrates include, bread, pasta, rice, potato, cereals. the body converts all carbohydrates into glucose (sugar).

    Carbohydrates in typical foods;

    A few examples of the sugar content in foods that have been described as HEALTHY

    Jacket Potato - medium 150g - = 5tsp.

    Oven chips - 100g - = 5tsp.

    Pasta - 200g - = 10tsp

    White bread - 1 slice - = 3+tsp

    Wholemeal roll - - = 3+tsp

    Cornflakes (no milk or sugar) - 30g - = 5tsp

    Muesli (semi) 1/4 pt - = 4tsp

    Milk (semi) 1/4 pt - = 1tsp

    Baked beans - can 100g - = 32tsp

    Banana - - =6tsp


    Fat serves many vital purposes.

    The brain is 50% to 70% fat and the body cell membranes are mostly fat. There is also some concern that children are no longer getting the correct balance of fat in their diets for optimal brain development.

    There are 3 types of FATS;

    1) Saturated fat;


    Cheese, butter, suet, lard, pork pie, lamb shoulder (?) and beef which has received bad press but not considered to be harmful, so it is ok to use in moderation.

    2) Mono-Saturated Fat;


    Olive oil, coconut oil, Avocados. Also found in reasonable amounts of dairy products, eggs, fish and meat.

    3) Poly-unsaturated Fat;


    Important Polyunsaturates are the Omega Oils found in walnuts, sunflower oil, corn oil, sardines, tuna.

    Fruit and Vegetables

    Fruit contains essential nutrients such as Vitamin C and fibre to help our digestive system.

    Some fruit contain high levels of fruit sugar, fructose, which is changed in the liver to glucose. A limited quantity can be beneficial, for example - an apple a day.

    Fruit that come into this category are -

    Bananas, oranges, apples, grapes, and pears.

    Fruit which contain a much lower amount of of sugar are.

    Berries, plums, passion fruit, star fruit, rhubarb and tangerines.

    Vegetables, like fruit are important to us for nutrients and fibre. Some vegetables can contain high proportions of starch (carbohydrate), particularly vegetables that grow under the ground

    Potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, beetroot, as well peas and sweetcorn.

    It is advisable to eat these vegetables in limited quantities.

    Salad vegetables and herbs can be eaten freely. Purchase fresh fruit and vegetables. Do not overcook.

    Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce - all have 0 carbs and only trace sugar.

    Artificial sweeteners should be avoided, they trick the body into believing it has absorbed sugar. Insulin is secreted which turns blood sugar into fat, thus reducing blood sugar levels and creating fat.

    Hope this info is of use.

    ps; found out today off doctor I have slightly high cholesterol.

  • Glander

    cholesterol is a complex issue. One test doesn't mean much. Kind of like blood pressure. Doctors tend to make everything black and white based on a single test.

    Nothing wrong with adjusting ones diet. Can't hurt, I suppose, unless you are an obsessive compulsive person. If there are other health issues that are related to bad C or High BP then by all means make changes.

    I personally would caution people not to start taking statins based on one or two cholesterol tests.

    Lost - may I ask what your care person called "slightly high" ?

  • jgnat

    Note: the body breaks down all food in to sugar. Suger is absorbed fastest, carbohydrates next, proteins, and finally fats. We need carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet.

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