What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Glander

    Popcorn suggestion is great, but I can't enjoy without salt. Isn't PAM spray just olive oil?

  • jgnat

    All potatoes are chiefly carbohydrates, with a few vitamins just under the skin. I would pair it with a protein.

    For a 150 g Yukon Gold, 110 calories, 2g of dietary fibre. (Vitamin C, 50% of daily, Iron 15% of daily)

    For a 150 g regular potato, 115 calories, 3g of dietary fibre. (Vitamin C, 121% of daily, Iron 16% of daily)

    A 150g yam is 177 calories, 6g of dietary fibre. (Vitamin C, 43% of daily, Iron 4% of daily)

    A 150g sweet potato is 128 calories, 4.5g of dietary fibre. (Vitamin C, 5% of daily, Iron 5% of daily)

    Frankly, the plain old potato comes out pretty well on analysis. I found comparison a little tricky, because different portion sizes were given to different tubers. Tricky. I evened the playing field.

  • talesin

    All this 'food' talk made me hungry, so I just had two "Johnsonville" sausages stuffed with cheese, a Mars bar, and brewing a cup of tea. *burp*



    PS, and noteworthy,, potatoes and YAMS are NOT from the same family. You may be sensitive to nightshades and therefore avoid the traditional potatoe, but Yams or Sweet Potatoes are not a problem food, as they are from a different family.

    Also of note, it is not true that all sugars are the same. Some, and particularly fructose, are absorbed much more quickly into the bloodstream. This can be important information for both Juvenile and Type 2 diabetics. Let the reader use discernment.

    Nutrition is so important, and takes a lot of research ... it's worth it.


  • jgnat

    Girl, you mean. The talk of candied strawberries reminded me of the short-lived Tim Horton's campaign to include fresh fruit on their menu. This is their idea of fresh fruit:

    Glazed Strawberry About 450 calories.

  • talesin

    Oy, there's nothing 'fresh', nor 'fruit' about that ,, even the fruit ,, fwiw, is a 'berry' ... :P and LMAO Jgnat!

  • LV101

    Pam Spray -- I think it's chemicals w/something good (maybe) and shouldn't be used. I do use it occasionally. If you have one of those Misto sprayers you can mist with just a tiny amt. of healthy oil --- good for you.

    LisaRose --- Thank you so much. Will pick some dates up and prepare like that and can't wait to try.

    Glander -- You are BAD! Candied strawberries. Now all I can think about is this bakery that has the most delicious brownies I've ever eaten --- and I get the same feedback when I serve them. I'm so worried this bakery will go out of business and I tell my friends to please go there and support them.

    The potatoe breakdown is interesting. I've read the past 20 yrs. that the regular potatoe is an invention of agriculture and not good for you --- almost as bad as white starch bread. Perhaps in another decade they'll change their opinion. I've even read positive info re/Iceberg lettuce last few yrs. (something in Iceberg that you can't obtain in other leafy grns.) after I forced myself to give up. So it's back to the regular potatoe. Thanks, jgnat.

  • LV101

    Apparently, (sound like the W/Tower) Chia seeds are great for controling appetite and one should add about a tblsp. daily --- to soups, oatmeal, however possible. The favored one is the white variety over the bug-colored ones.

    Ground flaxseed is another 2nd coming food and may reduce risk of breast/prostate cancers. Just add some to soups, hot cereals, etc. It tastes ok.

    Anyone using these power foods?

  • jgnat

    Potatoes are interesting. The varieties we find in the store are just a tiny subset of the wild varieties that are possible. This is because,

    Its genome comprises more than 39,000 protein-coding genes, and it is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid — this means that it has four copies of every chromosome, and often considerable variation among the corresponding four copies of each gene. This is in contrast to the two copies in most human cells. - All eyes on the potato genome

    So we don't plant seed, we plant "eyes" - portions of the original tuber - exact genetic copies.

    Not all wild varieties are edible. Some are poisonous.

    The commercial market is fussy. It doesn't want odd-shaped tubers that will be hard to harvest, hard to peel. We are fussy, too.

    Peruvian Potatoes

    Above is a selection available in the markets of Peru. More potatoes here: http://www.curzio.com/N/PotatoCatalog.htm

  • *lost*

    wow. this is great. Who would of thought food was so interesting. A pain for you guys that got diabetes though. But, boy, you have serious knowledge about food. loving this thread.

    Potatoes - i don't know the science bit but, they were the mainstay of the Irish. Potoatoes, meat, cabbage, milk, real butter, brown bread and cheese. Filling and satisfying. i actually crave potatoes of I go without fo too long, lol. (stodgy foor, climate)

    Jgnat - so is there anything you can like, pig out on and just eat eat eat ? anything at all. Or is the whole kit and kaboodle regimental 24/7.Jars of ready sauces and many other foods are loaded with sugar and salt. Unbelievable when they actually show you the amount. scary.

  • jgnat

    I can do whatever I want. Every decision has consequences, though. Air-popped popcorn, 3 cups, 93 calories. On the downside, I recently had an expensive dentist's visit to remove a clinging popcorn shell between my teeth. It required stitches. The dentist agreed I would be a millionaire if I came up with a shell-less popcorn.

    At work socials it is tiresome to turn down a piece of cake or little savoury. A couple hours later, when I am "scheduled" for a snack, I'll take one. Sometimes I will take the cake and leave the icing behind. I'll feel better for it. Once a woman was deeply insulted that I would not try her treats at Christmas. I explained the whole thing but I couldn't help feeling a tad resentful. Why do I have to defend my choices?

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