What does 100 calories look like?

by jgnat 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jgnat

    Seeds and nuts satisfy quickly because of their fat content. The body goes, "whoa, calorie alert", and signals satiation. I've heard that hemp seeds are another "miracle food" and they would be too, if their fat content wasn't so high. I debated this with the hemp fanatics on Ted. Sprinkle, not pour over your food.


  • jgnat

    LV101, my hypoglycemic buddy always carried a big jar of smarties and peanuts with him. If I missed an afternoon snack, I could always count on his stash (minus the smarties).

  • talesin

    Yeah, nuts are great snack food, they *do* satisfy. A handful of pistachios, and if you have to shell them, it takes longer, so that 100 calories gets stretched out (if you are counting).

  • LisaRose

    Its funny, I got the idea for the cream cheese stuffed dates from a book I read in the 70s, called The Supermarket andbook. They told you all the things that were bad to eat. They were ahead of their time, they said never eat margarine, due to the hydrogenated fat, that it was worse for you than butter. Now, it's pretty commin knowledge, why its even still allowed to be sold is beyond me. Of course we have healthier margarines now, but they still sell the junk. The process of hydrogenation takes healthy vegetable oil and breaks the molecules so that it is solid at room temperature which makes it more shelf stable. Unfortunately, this removes all the healthy qualities of natural oil. It is literally plasticized, not a real food, and it now contains trans fats. It also causes the fat to go rancid, so then it has to be deodorized. So, because of that book, I never ate margarine. And as more information came out about hydrogenation, I read labels and don't buy anything that contained hydrogenated fats.

  • LV101

    jgnat --- a "smartie"? Need to google that one.

    Pistachios are supposedly one of the greatest/healthiest nuts you can eat. I'm going to find my book (need luck on that) but I need to see how many I can indulge in. The Atkins Diet (very 1st editions) used to recommend them and he called them "fat balls".

    Did anyone see AOL highlighter topics (maybe last Thursday) about healthy foods such as tomatoes, beans, grains, that's a problem and causes the blood vessels in the heart to clog/constrict/something and these researchers say it's healthier to eat leafy greens, chicken and fish. Talk about a high protein diet. Not everyone can eat a high protein diet. I could not believe what I was glancing at --- I'm going to try and find that article. How can they say the SDA's diet (first or second longest living people on earth) of no animal products is unhealthy. It's some property in the tomatoes, beans, grains that causes the heart problems. I give up!

  • jgnat

    There's no such thing as "good" and "bad" foods.

    Are Smarties a Canadian thing?

  • talesin

    When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?
    Do you suck them very slowly, or crunch them very fast?
    Eat that candy and milk chocolate, but tell me when I ask ...

    When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?

    I think they may be Canadian, jgnat.

  • jgnat

    For my American friends, Smarties are M&M's without the m.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Here in USA smarties are like sweetarts.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Shirataki noodles are good as a pasta replacement or in soup. About 20 cal per serving. Made out of soy.

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