just arrived here...

by sylvlef 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    A very big welcome...Dont worry about grammer,I used to go door to door( in Montreal)with a cockney accent

    trying to speak French

    after I struggled through my French presentation,(that the elders taught me to say) the housholder would say
    "Can you speak French" Lovely to have you join us ...BUT!!!! be careful what you tell the wife,so many do leave
    their spouses on orders from the Faithful & discreet slave??????

  • NVR2L8


    Making friends on the outside is pivotal to your escape because of possibly loosing "friends" and family who will reject you if you leave the cult. Remember that they strongly believe they're demonstrating love to you, but mostly to God by shunning you. So join a football team or motorcycle club and take part in their charity rides. You will quickly make new friends who will support if or when things get rough.

    Ça marche pour moi...

  • sylvlef

    Pickler i find it cool to havé a Ducati in your living room...not even possible in a parisian appartement;-)

    Wanabefree i don't havé kids. Married for 6years...i certainly want to believe that religion is not the only thing that keeps our couple alive...for all beautiful moments we havé with my wife living other things than meetings songes and praises...but for her Being a JW was a condition to Marry, so if i left she would consider it as a treason...when i look as her personnal history this is understandable. She went through a hard time and thinks that "thruth" saved her mother when things where very bad for her...

    Now i know i should not have beeen brutal the 1st time, and this is why i have not spoken of my Doubts since a while with her...just pointing out some disturbing facts at a time...seems to be working as it goes smoothly...

    NVR i started making some friends outside, with colleagues. It feels really good;-)

  • Chariklo

    Bonjour, Sylvlef!

    Nice to have someone here from France! Ici nous sommes des amis.

    That's it! Trying to write French on an English iPad just won't work!

    Great to have you here!

  • sillygirl2013

    Sylvef, bienvenu!

    Tu as un PM.

  • Nika Bee
    Nika Bee


    Je suis allemande, mais j'ai vécu à Paris pour un an en 2006/07. J'étais dans la congrégation Paris Port-Royal si ça te dit quelque chose. J'habite aux Etats-Unis maintenant, mais j'ai passé le dernier semestre à Lyon.

    (For the sake of posting guide lines: Welcome, I am German, but I lived in Paris for a year in 2006/07. I was in the congregation Paris Port-Royal, if you know that. I live in the US now, but I spent the last semester in Lyon.)

  • sylvlef

    Sillygirl merci. Je t'ai répondu.

    Nikabee Paris Port-royal je ne connais que de nom il y a des "discoureurs" de cette congrégation qui viennent parfois dans la notre...presque en tant que voisins... Mais je ne me souviens plus trop des noms je ne fais pas trop attention...et j'ai passé 4heures a Lyon sur la route des vacances l'an dernier...belle ville...tu es venue pour les études?

    (well i won't translate this phrase...Chariklo write english from a french iPad is also an adventure;-))

    oh and by the way...the donner guest is a great movie...did any of you try "les tontons flingueurs"? Very old movie now i believe you can find it under "monsieur gangster" in some countries...not the same type but in France it is also a monument;-))

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Silvief and SillyGirl2013...I am so glad you two got together! I hope things go well for you SillyGirl when your Brother visits you in Paris.

    Just Lois

  • Nika Bee
    Nika Bee

    Oui, je suis étudiante en maths. J'étais à Paris dans le cadre du programme ERASMUS. Je n'ai plus de contacte avec les témoins là-bas, d'autant plus que je suis disassociée depuis un ans. Maintant, je suis en doctorat et j'étais invitée à l'ENS de Lyon pendant le dernier semestre en tant que chercheur.

    Tu as raison, Lyon est une très belle ville, un peu plus calme que Paris, je trouve.

    J'espère que ça va aller pour toi et ta femme. Ça va être dur de temps en temps, prend le chemin doucement.

    Pour, moi c'était plus facile, comme ma famille est loin et je ne suis pas mariée.

    (Sorry for posting in French, here in the US I just miss speaking German or French.

    Yes, I am a math student. I was in Paris with the ERASMUS program. I don't have any contact to the JW there anymore, as I am disassociated for a year. I am doing my PhD now and was invited to Lyon as a researcher. You are right, Lyon is a very nice city, quieter than Paris, I think. I hope things will work out for you and your wive. It will be hard from time to time, take one step at a time. For me it was easier, as my family lives far away, and I am not married. )

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " told my wife i did not want to be JW anymore... said that in that case we should split up"

    I wonder why JWs have such a terrible reputation in France for breaking up marriages?

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