How to fade?

by naazira 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    tell them that you do not want to be unbaptized publisher at this time, then fade.

  • naazira

    lol im going to start shunning them asap. no meeting for me tomorrow. i get to sleep in yay me. there is a newly baptized sister in the cong who is already doubting sucks for her. she has been on apostate websites. i am blessed to be able to get away at this point. the ball is in my court.

  • Iamallcool

    I am off topic little bit, I do know one brother committed adultery and he moved out of state right away. Then the elders learned about it and they can't find him, so they never df'd him, that was years ago.

  • 2+2=5

    Hello and welcome. You are on the right track. Don't become an unbaptized publisher. And do not, for the love of all things sacred, get baptized into this religion.

    The elders and the central authority of this religion have no power or control over you.

    You could, just to mess with them a bit, ask questions like, "Will Jehovah destroy me if I don't dedicate myself to the organization?". "Is there any reasonable objections people have with this religion, or is there no such thing?"

    Get on with your life and put the WT well out of your mind.


    I would give my soul to the Devil himself if I could go back in time and not be raised a dub. Ok, that was a little dramatic. Seriously though, if you are an unbaptized, just You could really plant some seeds of truth. Study up at JWfacts and let 'er rip!

    Being a born-in is bizarre. I have know for a long time that I do not belong. I don't even care about myself really, I don't want my kid's entire life dedicated to these charlatans. My life course was set. Maybe God has a plan, or fate, or whatever..

    Actually, I really believe that there is a plan for each of us. So what do you think your plan is?! Were you religious before you met jw's? Just curious.

    We are all connected. Call it quantum entanglement.. Call it fate, call it Karma.. whatever.. You have an opportunity to help some very misguided people. It's a lot to ask of someone, but you are in a unique position. You could open up some eyes.



  • 2+2=5

    there is a newly baptized sister in the cong who is already doubting sucks for her. she has been on apostate websites

    Do you know what sites or information she has been looking at? Everyone who chooses to leave the Watchtower religion needs to investigate and prove that it is not the truth to themselves. You should encourage her to investigate the religion and critically examine the beliefs. Get her to look at JWfacts and this site.

    If you can, it would be nice to help free her of the mental chains that the WT has put her in, before she wastes her life in what is basically a scam. You would be doing her an incredible service.

  • Pickler

    Naazira, good for you! Don't let anyone guilt you into doing something that's not right for you.

    I also would give almost anything to have not been raised JW, or to have not been baptised, or, to have been able to walk away at a younger age.

    It's not just those years that you lose, but, it's the years you lose later as you try to catch up.

    good luck Naazira!!!

  • Comatose

    Glad you realized it before it was too late. Close one!

  • whathappened

    I am so happy to hear that you haven't taken this too far. You don't need to fade, you can just drop out. Tell them the truth that you found out it wasn't the truth. Don't let your emotional involvement with your jw friends to keep you even temporarily enslaved in this dangerous religious movement.

    To thine own self be true.

  • naazira

    i have always been religious . but i always believed reliion is a pathway to god but it is not god. so i dont believe in just one truth. i can only imagine what you all have been through. i feel sad because i have grown to like many of the freinds at the hall. but i also have noticed my once loving bible conductor turning harsh and unkind. i am seeing the people behind the mask.

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