ANONYMITY (Is it really possible on the Internet?)

by Terry 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • talesin

    lol, don't say good bye ....

    it's a classic .. not just here , but in RL... men will tell women to 'calm down',,, whereas in the same situation, they would see a man's anger as justified ........ and deal with it.

    We are often treated as 'hysterical', and it's a good way to shut us up ... and you are welcome! Just sit back and watch in RL, you will see what I mean .... ;)



  • quincy_aka_quentin

    I don't want anonymity...shout my name from the roof pictures or, videos. Tell all MY NAME. Goggle me. Ask me for my phone number and you'll get it. Same for my address and City, State.....WHY? Because I DON"T CARE. Been away from the cult for thirty years. Absence from a thing makes for dim and hazy memories. Besides I'm no threat to anyone.

    Yet, yet Terry's OP makes VERY valid points. One point is this; no matter how hard you conceal your ID somewhere, someway there WILL be a person or, persons that can figure you out. So, there is ALWAYS the prop-ability you will be outed. I used to keep a small notebook with all my passwords for the various accounts, until I realized what for, it was of no value. Now I use two passwords. Makes for easier browsing.

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