They just won't stop

by Anony Mous 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    Hang in there. Will be watching this unfold.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I ndon't know if u ever served as an elder Oubliette, but from what I understand, the elders really don't need your cooperation in attending a JC

  • Tylinbrando

    Elder bodies are carrying out this procedure in full force everywhere. Despite threats of litigation they are choosing to "disfellowship" and announce "so and so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" even when a Judicial Committee has never met with the accused.

    My advice is DO NOT respond in any way shape or form.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    How many local JWs do you still have contact with? If you really don't care about the cult anymore, disfellowship them! Send them notice that you've disfellowshipped them in absentia for gossip and slander.

    If you still have contact with JWs, tell them individually absolutely everything that is going on. The elders get power from "confidentiality" and can become drunk with the power that they can do whatever the hell they want and you can do nothing because it's all secret. From my own experience back when I was removed as an elder, I leaked nearly every word of the "secret meeting" to my parents and the congregation busybodies, so that the whole sham was an embarrassment to the BoE. I even reported everything that happened to WORLDLY PEOPLE that know JWs and were horrified by the injustice. After that, the elders were all very careful about what they said because they realized I could report it back publicly... and that's exactly what I did. They lost their power. They could no longer secretly threaten, "we have been informed that you did such-and-such", because I would ask, "by whom?", and if they didn't answer, I would speak to everyone I knew about "who is making this accusation without asking me about it first?" I think the elders were relieved when I moved away.

    So far, I think that me and my siblings that have faded haven't been pursued like this for a couple of reasons. Two of us have moved far enough away to a big city that nobody could report "wrongdoing". But the faded family that is still local is left alone because the elders can't do the typical "secret intimidation" like described in the OP. For the faders that still live in their territory, they are pretty much left alone because they know if they rock the boat, it's the local JWs that will get seasick when every detail of any such "judical proceedings" spreads like wildfire through the congregation and community.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Anony...I look forward to reading what the Elders will do next. (((((((Hugs)))))))

    Just Lois

  • jamiebowers

    I think your next step should be to contact your divorce attorney and have some type of order put in place that forbids your ex-wife from doing anything to alienate you from your child, including teaching religious beliefs.

  • Tylinbrando


  • besty
    For the faders that still live in their territory, they are pretty much left alone because they know if they rock the boat, it's the local JWs that will get seasick when every detail of any such "judical proceedings" spreads like wildfire through the congregation and community.

    sunshine is a powerful disinfectant

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    If you meet with them, turn on a recorder. That will stop the meeting.


    P.S. Could your ex-wife have put them up to it to be "scripturally free?"

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Anony, this is bull$hit, man...sorry to hear about it.

    You can always pull the "suicide" move. Of course, do not DO anything, just tell them that sticking their noses in your business is about to push you over the edge...

    May seem cowardly, but their own instructions call for them to back off in such cases....

    On the other hand, it may not be such a great idea if you tink word will get around and your family will get a wind that you want "to harm yourself"...

    I wish there was a Staples button to solve the mess those insensitive a$$es are creating...

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