Another elder came and told me I'm not an apostate and no-one can judge me.

by Julia Orwell 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • dreamgolfer

    " I'm married and so is he." -

    Never stopped an elder who visited alone from making a "pass"

    "He thinks he's saving me?

    Who knows what the motive is, sadly it may be too late when you find out

    " Get me to incriminate?"

    Happens all the time - why take the chance?

    Lonely - there are MANY nice folks here to be friends with

  • poppers

    You see him standing at the back of the hall before he goes up, puffing like a bellows and psyching himself up. Constantly exposing yourself to a stressor in that manner can't be good for you.

    You'd think someone in his position would relish being on the platform by now, or at least be so used to it that he wouldn't be so anxious about it. Maybe this is how cognitive dissonance is manifesting in him.

  • Bob_NC

    People are waking up to TTAT all the time, many elders too. Bear could be awakening or even awake already trying to figure out how to proceed. If he is as anxious as you say, then he is naturally more alert and more aware of subtleties in all contexts. Even so, I think you played it nicely not to bite any bait. Over time you wil be able to tell if he is fishing for incrimminating evidence or trying to see if he trust you. He came by himself and not with another elder, a promising sign.

  • Rufus T. Firefly
    Rufus T. Firefly

    Julia, pardon me if I missed these details, but were you and Bear alone together when this exchange took place, and did this occur inside or outside of your home?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Outside. My husband was in the house, and Bear happened upon me when I was in my aviary, which is,in street view. Funny thing, Bear was nervous as hell when he came, so i invited him into the aviary and had him look at my birds and pat them to calm him down!

    Someone mentioned a couple of comments above that maybe his anxiety and fear of the platform is how cognitive dissonance manifests itself. I reckon my depression and physical Symptoms came about from c d because now it's resolved my health has improved out of sight! I'm sure many of you have also experienced that.

  • bigmac

    rest assured Julia Orwell--you really are an A Post Ate--you post on here a lot.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Whoo hoo!

  • Jim_TX

    A few comments... not having the full details of what occurred, I may be off on my observations.

    First - what others have already said - and I agree - don't trust him - or anyone - who 'happens to stop by'. Never - ever.

    I am not aware if you or he brought up the 'apostate' issue. If he did - then it IS an issue, even though he said it wasn't. It was/is in his mind, and is a problem (to them).

    He may have revealed to you what you may think is damaging remarks for an elder to make, but since he was alone - you can't point the finger (ala Ivasion of the Body Snatchers) and scream that he made them. He will deny it, and claim you're a witch - after which, you'll be burned at the stake. (Your word against his.)

    You have the correct approach - do NOT trust any of them - do NOT tell them anything.

    At the same time, you are a wonderful caring person that could see that he was stressed out, and you were able to help calm him down, possibly averting a potential heart attack (on his part).

    While he may be in the beginning stages of 'seeing' again, and having problems dealing with it, he will have to find his own way out. You cannot trust him, or anyone else, right now - lest they 'turn you in', so to speak.

    Others in this thread have suggested that he may have been 'hitting on you'. Do not dismiss that too lightly as being ridiculous. It is good that your husband was home.

    A long time ago, when I was still married to the jw-wifey, we had a plumbing issue that she called a JW 'friend' to come fix. I was at work. He was the father of a woman that was the same age as my wife, and they went to school together, so she trusted him.

    Anyway, he came over, fixed the problem, and then tried to push himself on my wife, groping her, and wanting to have sex with her. She somehow managed to push him off (more than once), and get him to leave. He was not an elder, but was married.

    She told me about it, and also reported it to the elders - who did nothing but tell her that they knew about him. (Oh, and were a bit worried, and asked what I was going to do about it.)

    So - don't trust him - in more ways than one.


    Jim TX

  • RayPublisher

    I think Brother Bear is one of the good ones...idk why that is only my gut and the years I was a "good elder" lol... Thanks Julia for keeping us posted.

    I am praying right now for you and for Bear...why?

    BC I want to!

  • Londo111

    It may well be ‘theocratic warfare’. The Watchtower mentioned Jehu who lured all the Baal worshippers to worship, claiming he wanted to make an ever larger feast to Baal than other people—and when they gathered, he slaughtered all the “apostates”. Thus, I think the Watchtower is inferring that such strategy with "apostates" is acceptable.

    This same article said: "Jehu manifested qualities that we would do well to imitate."

    To quote X-files: Trust no one!

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