The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]

by Simon 226 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Marvin Shillmore,

    Just your typical pedantic symantics. I am not going to humor you any more with responses, as you are both droll and transparent.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Just your typical pedantic symantics. I am not going to humor you any more with responses, as you are both droll and transparent.”

    zed is dead,

    Has it occurred to you that at the time I told you I didn’t know Julia that she was not a “friend” in my Facebook account?

    Has it occurred to you that you’re transposing a future event onto a historical statement as though the two were synchronous?

    Or, does it just make you feel better to put pieces of information together and presume the worst despite innocuous options?

    I don’t understand people like, zed is dead.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • blondie
  • Tylinbrando

    Simon posted:

    “They are not welcome until they apologise and do things properly.”

    This indicates that the horse is still twitching and may respond to attempts of recuscitation.

  • brinjen
  • RoyalFlushPhil
    Did this group fix all their security issues and change things so your privacy is not exposed? Their idea was a sound concept in our age of instant data, people not ready for the name to get broadcast ed all over the Net was a issue everyone needed to be concerned with. Those were great areas Simon noticed and that's why we are lucky how protective Simon is of our privacy, thank you Simon!
  • Simon

    Last time I checked on their website it looked like they finally wised up and pulled the plug on asking for ridiculous amounts of personal information (from potential victims / vulnerable people) with no clear policy for how it would be used or who would have access to it.

    Obviously, that isn't intended to be an endorsement of their security policies. It's still unclear if or how they "vet" their volunteers or whether any sort of formal background checks are performed.

    But at least the facebook door finally got shut (after the horses had bolted, lived to a ripe old age and eventually died)

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