Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?

by Greybeard 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Greybeard

    I was in business with my JW family and they took that over because I am now a worthless apostate. I am 50 years old and need to make some moola. I am good with ebay and I can build websites. I am looking for good produces I can sell online. Companies that can drop ship would be good.

    I might even move if I could find a real good job… like maybe working for a power or oil company. I was a HVAC repairman for 15 years so I have trade skills too.

    If any of you have any advice please let me know.



  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Sorry you're going thru this. My wife & I read your story on jwstruggle. I don't know what to tell you since I am in the same boat. I will be 52 this year and since I listened to the WTBT$ I have no education and I work a $11 an hour hard labor job and my body is giving out. I'm not trying to diminish your predictament, but just to let you know that we're here for you brother and are thinking of you.

    Did you have any claim on a portion of their business? You could consult with a lawyer. I know there are many out there that will consult with you free of charge to see if there is a case.

    Affectionately Brother of the Hawk

  • cantleave

    Greaybeard, Is there any thing you have collected or have an interest in?

    For a while I made a living selling watches on ebay. I have always been interested in watches, and have a great deal knowledge about them.

    I used to buy tatty Rolex, Omega and other well known brands, restore them and sell them on ebay. It didn't make me rich but I earned a living out of it.

  • jgnat

    I can think of three or four volunteer jobs on the interet. Sorry.

    There are writing/research jobs but they bring in a pittance.

  • Emery

    Well, something I always tell people stuck in a rut is to get into insurance. We all need it and its one of the few recession proof markets out there. I know its not the most exciting subject but the money and opportunities are there. Get licensed in your state and you can work in a number of positions for an agency, broker, insurance company, or corporation. I got my LA&H 3 years ago and got a job immediately working in Human Resource Communications. There should be schools in your local area where you can go for a week to prepare for the state exam. It may cost you a bit a cash upfront ($200-350) but I promise you its worth it. It looks great on your resume and gets you in the door.

    If you do well with websites and content management look for site maintenence jobs or IT jobs for local businesses. Thing is, many places require a degree in web development or expect you to know and write server side programing before you're allowed to manage their sites. If you need anymore advice on this (web development) PM me.

  • punkofnice

    Ebay is rubbish right now but if you're putting anything on do it on a Thursday ay 8pm for 10 days.

  • soontobe

    Greybeard, unemployment is really low in N Dakota because of the oil boom. Wages are really high. If you are willing to move, maybe that's an option to look into, especially with your skills. It's not just oil jobs, it's everything else. They can't build fast enough because of the population influx. A good HVAC guy can write his ticket here in FL. I can't imagine how it must be in ND with the boom.

  • Bella15

    One growing industry / home based business is "Elderly home care" You have to have passion to serve others thou. I started working as a caregiver during weekends to bring extra income (single divorced mom of 2) and gain experience. EASY really. I did some research, study all aspects of homecare in the internet, hundreds of website, then I went on my own. You don't have to buy a franchise, perhaps just a book that tells how to start a homebases elderly care business. I can let you borrow mine. Thanks God I got 3 clients as soon as I started. I hired the best ex-coworkers caregivers I knew and assign them to my new clients. I have 20+ years of experience working in corporate america (business admin, accounting, human resources, payroll, marketing, PR, etc) and I apply this experience in the management of my client's care. I have low flat rates for my clients and pay my caregivers up to $4 the average pay in this industry.

    Find out what service people needs in your community and if you have the skills provide those services.

    Also what kind of transfereable skills you have that may be applied in another field.

  • Jim_TX

    Texas is also having an 'oil boom' of sorts - well, it's actually the natural gas that they are getting by fracking.

    You may be too old to be out on oil rigs and such, but the thing that folks don't realize is that the locals have abandoned their 'normal' jobs to sign up and work in the gas business.

    That leaves the locals with no employee resource. As a result, they are in dire need of employees in the local towns for 'normal' jobs. Even the local prison down there is having a difficult time keeping guards, and is having to offer a bonus to anyone willing to sign up - if I understood correctly (but I'm NOT recommending working as a prison guard).

    It might be something to look in to, if you are willing to relocate to Texas (south of San Antonio - Eagle Ford shale, I believe it is called)

    Good Luck, I know it is difficult to get work when you hit the big '50'. (I passed that mark several years ago)


    Jim TX

  • Greybeard

    Wow, thanks people! Some good ideas and advice here. I know you all understand... :-/

    Cantleave, I love watches too. I collected old pocket watches at one time. I dont have any more. I was even thinking about selling the atomic watches and clocks.

    As far as hobbies and skills. You name it, I like to do it, I love remote control. I am a Ham Radio operator. I am a pro photographer and singer songwriter / recording artist.

    Please keep the ideas coming

    Thank you!

    Gregg / Greybeard

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