New member says hey

by jay dubless 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • TotallyADD

    Welcome to the forum. Thank you for your story. Soon I will also have to deal with my older brother. I hope your borther comes to his senses and listens to what you said. Take care. Totally ADD

  • Ding


  • cobaltcupcake


  • smiddy

    Welcome , pity about your Bro.

  • aposta-Z

    Welcome. I like to read the stories of people who where there during the 1975 debacle. So many people deny that the WT said 75 would be the end.
    They'll soon deny that they claimed the 1914 generation would never pass.They've already stretched the meaning of the word generation. :/

  • jay dubless
    jay dubless

    Thanks y'all. I hold no animosity towards my brother. He is sticking to his convictions. he gave up his right to independent thought many years ago. He doesn't even feel like he is being controlled, or is controlling others. Sheesh!We all know the Org is not the absolute truth, which they believe they have a patent on. Unfortunately, he is not open to debate any issue whatsoever. Which I knew all along. I just had to finally make my stand known, that I believe in my God-given right of independent thought. I accused him of being narrow minded, told him he dismisses the experiences of others too easily, and that I cannot be a member of any high-control group. Oh well. My parents would turn over in their graves if they knew the current situation. As far as '75 goes, literally every JW not only believed it, but the level of excitement and anticipation was unlike any other time in the Org's history. It was a "sure thing"! Of course, the Org never accepts any responsibility for any failed doctrine. I told my brother, if they had only stuck to studying the scriptures, instead of getting involved with and destroying so many families, they would have retained a lot more members. Ironically, the issue that I complained the most about to him, shunning, has resulted in my own shunning. Good grief! I am going to start another thread about Dr Alexander's book. It is not religious propaganda whatsoever. It is about his own journey into the afterlife, after going into a deep coma. He is a neurosurgeon who got bacteria meningitis, and was near death for 7 days. It is a very recent book, and if anyone is curious about "what's next", from someone who has been there, it's a must read. And only about 175 pages.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Welcome jay-dubless! You might enjoy some of these..

  • MrFreeze

    Welcome aboard!

  • jay dubless
    jay dubless

    Quiet One, thanks for the link. I didn't know God is a one girl I can't begin another post until tomorrow. There is so much about these NDE experiences that they share in common. Why I am pointing folks to Dr Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven, is because he went much deeper into the afterlife than anyone else on record, due to his neocranium being shut down, making dreams impossible, and he having no recollection or memory of who he was, or where he came from, there was no desire to come back. And because he himself is a brain surgeon, who did not believe in any consciousness after death, makes it even more remarkable. Anyways, I'll hold back until I can make a new post. I've given copies of it to my children, and shared my copy with some close friends.

    I made a comment to my brother before he cut me off, saying that I am hoping the Society sees "new light" on the horribly destructive practice of shunning. Like I said, I don't hold anything against him. It's just one religion's believe that they are doing the right thing. There was only one Jesus, but how many religions are there that claim to have him as their founder? 30,000? And they all believe that theirs is the only one that's right. Some are high control groups, others not so much. That's why all I need is the Bible (not the NW Translation though), Jah, and Jesus in my claim to be a Believer. Take Joseph Smith. When he died (murdered), four different religions came out of that. All claim Smith as their founder. The same is true for Pastor Russell...four religions came out of that, all claiming Russell as their founder. Judge Rutherford had the largest following of those. The Mormon history is a lot more interesting than the JW history though. A good biography written by a non-Mormon, with a non judgemental view, is Joseph Smith, by Robert V Remini. What a story! Sorry if I am wandering off topic. My mind is busy these days.

  • designs


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