ACK! GB at my memorial!

by grumblecakes 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    irondork, have you seen the other topic? the chinese also house the oldest human FOSSILS ?

    so: they might habe the Bones, we*, have the g--Body.

    They had the "Knochen", we had Knorr.

    They have "Les OS" we have the Organ-i-sation.

    *WE, like in WEsterners, west of the oder-neisse line. (schloett)

  • designs

    'children' (rank and file) are expendable.

  • sir82

    How weird was it to watch somebody munch & sip? In 40+ years I've never once seen it.

    It would be doubly weird to see teh speaker do it conspicuously at the front of the hall, with everybody watching.

  • blondie

    So was this GB member assigned to that congregation or was he visiting family or had he been invited by the elder body? The elder body selects the speaker..

    I am old enough to remember people partaking at the memorial, family members. The WTS teaches that when the last anointed dies and goes to heaven the memorial will end, But the WTS has wavered as to when that is. The WTS says the marriage of the bride class will happen shortly after the GT although they also teach that some will still be alive on earth after armageddon. Does that mean that some individual anointed will not be in heaven for the marriage?

    *** w07 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    When will the remnant of anointed Christians who have initially been sealed receive their final sealing? Any still alive on earth will be sealed “in their foreheads” before the outbreak of the great tribulation. When the four winds of tribulation are unleashed, all of spiritual Israel will have been sealed in finality, even though a few will still be alive in the flesh and must yet finish their earthly course.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Until I was in a congregation where no-one sipped and nibbled I didn't think the memorial was weird. After all, we were respectful observers of her.

    It was only after leaving that congregation I queried what I was supposed to be observing because there was nobody in the new one so it got passed round for nothing.

  • punkofnice

    I was raised in a congregation where there were lots of 'annointed(TM)'.

    Some were weirder than others.......I'd say by and large they were mainly arrogant or whack jobs.

    There was one nice bloke. He used to go out into the 'rurals(TM)' on his bike. If there was a head wind he'd swear.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Ours was definitely a whack job.

    She got baptised twice strange in itself, but then after sipping and nibbling for over 40 years a couple of years ago she decided she was mistaken and not anointed.

    This was the woman who studied with me and convinced me to get rid of all my kid's Disney films, stop watching soaps and because my late gran used to own a ouija board to get rid of everyhing she ever gave me.

    Not bitter!

  • Glander

    You know it will be interesting when a GB member shows up at the memorial with a bulge in his pocket...

  • mrsjones5

    The wt Demi gods are such rock stars, aren't they?

  • shopaholic

    I remember GB members at the airport after an international convention, the witnesses we taking pictures of them like they were celebrities. Had non- JWs wondering who they were. Security had to stop people from taking pics as they went through the security line...I was right behind him. And they each have an assistant. I didn't see any of them (or their wives) touch or handle a bag or their check-in process...I was right behind them.

    It was summed up nicely by a young pioneer who said "Seems kind of strange for them to get on a plane just like the rest of us. You would think they would return by the hand of Jehovah or something more spiritual than flying on a plane."

    This informed me that many JWs see the GB as supermen but I was happy for the experience at the airport as it showed they really are just a bunch of men.

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