The Apostate Boogeyman

by RayPublisher 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    @ Lost - We feel your'll reach him in time!

  • Phizzy

    We should re-label ourselves, never refer to ourselves as Apostates, that is to play the WT game, simply call ourselves Dissidents or something similar.

  • BlindersOff1


  • BlindersOff1


  • Phizzy

    good one blinders ! Critics are not always negative, Film and Book critics often praise good work, so that word is not entirely negative.

    In truth, as Critics of the WT we would be hard pushed to find much to praise !

  • flipper

    RAY- Very good article ! Thanks for posting the link. The WT Society constantly makes sure that active JW's won't read anything considered "apostate " by demonizing aNYBODY who leaves the Witness organization for ANY reason. Whether we are inactive, dssassociated, DFed or have left for ANY reason we as ex-JW's are ALL thrown into the same categorization really- we are allegedly " demonic apostates " - according to WT leaders. And that attitude towards us permeates into active elder bodies, rank & file publishers, JW husbands & wives and their children. It's mind control at it's worst.

    I remember in 2007 after I had overturned my DFing at the appeal committee JC meeting, the elders wanted to meet with me one more time to " encourage " me to go back to attend meetings. When I explained to the elders that one of the reasons I would NOT go back to meetings was that I was offended at how the organization handled child abuse cases in their legal department by hiding it - the elders asked me, " So Flipper did you find out about this by reading APOSTATE material " ? I stated, " No, I found out about the child abuse cases and how they were handled by reading the Associated press releases in the newspapers . "

    So the point I' m making is the elders will ASSUME that ANYTHING nEGATIVE you hear about the WT organization is coming from alleged " apostate " sources- even if it's not. So it's like we are guilty until proven innocent and we are nEVER ALLOWED to be perceived as innocent - even if we hear about this negative WT information from reputable sources. So that's what we face in dealing with the WT Society and that organization after we exit

  • *lost*

    Ray thanks . He's a great guy.

    Poor man has stuck by me, thick and thin. Enough that I have massive chaos in private life (story in members) now this with TTATT. lol, I'm laughing.

    He's lsitened t me prattlling away(he knew i used to be one once) , me doing the good little bit of witnessing, lmao - so then I'm going back - now leaving again.

    He must be like WTF!!! He even came to a few sunday meeting with me, seriously a graet guy.

    So now I got to go through it all, kinda backwards like, take it all apart and put it back together properly, lol. Like yes, it is mostly true (if you believe), right message, but another org who has twisted it. But ti worse this time, cos the org is saying it is directed by God, so they been a bit baughty... and now all the skeletons are coming out. TTATT. He must be thinking I'mm mental now. lol

    Now I dont know much about the Candace conti case in depth. But I can tell you what is being saiid round the r&f..... the man behind it, is an apostate.thats why he's doing it, he was never of any position in the cong just a man who attended. society can't be blamed for that.The society is never wrong. BUT if was elders, co, po and any other man 'of the cloth' so to speak in the jw organisation, then they are the very ones who were supposed to look after the flock and KNOW BETTER. So there is no excuse or anyother way out of it. Guilty. Exactly the same as what we say about any other man that does such heinous things. JIMMY SAVILLE !!

    The fact that noone is ALLOWED to talk or question anything, is seriously worrying.

    R&F are in a state of perpetual fear... they are burned out now mentally as well. they know somethings wrong, or they are still blinded to, it's imminent.

    they are confused now and panicking, i think. And it is going to get worse. At least here we can talk about these things and debate them. I would have no one else to talk to about it that understands, and can advise, and share experiences. Their past has caught up with them, the truth will out.

    Talk about cults.

    What if, this sounds mad but - cult ?

    There's a llist, right ? so they can contact you in state of emergency. like the big A ? your ready, out the door, gran your go bag baby, this is what you have been waiting for. It's finally arrived, imagine. They gather all the witnesses together, all around the world, at the same time, to their place of 'safety' cos this is it now, it's coming. deliverance, salvation. Waiting for Satan's governments to attack them and destroy them, and jesus is going to come now and save us, finally, the time has come.

    What next ? then what? it could very well happen, they might all gather together. then what. what are the possibiliites.

    It's like watching a movie play out, but we are all in it.

  • villagegirl

    Great Thread - I don't like the word apostate -

    It sounds evil, we are not evil we are truth-seekers

    in the most sincere and positive way.

    Sure you see angry posts lashing out and trying

    to act all "I am a demon" with scary icons and

    and hateful posts, but its because some do not have

    the words to describe what they have experienced internally.

    The Jehovah's Wittnesess are the scary ones,

    they are anti-truth, they are not taught or geared

    to any kind of critical thinking, or analysis of themselves,

    their own history, or the true nature of the governing body

    and who they are actually serving. They create disconnect ,

    isolation and disconnect from experiencing our own lives,

    or what could have been, our own development and freedom,

    and I do not mean this in any immoral way.

    The idea that "freedom equals lack of self contro"

    or drug addiction or destructive behavior is part of the

    fear mongering. The WT promotes the idea

    we need to be "controlled" and watched and reported on,

    and criticsized, and given hoops to jump through,

    and to be frightened and most of all - shamed.

    Its a shame based system of thinking.

    That is why if you listen to John Bradshaw,

    on You Tube, you will feel like he is talking about you,

    even though he deals with addiction issues.

  • vexxed

    "We should re-label ourselves, never refer to ourselves as Apostates, that is to play the WT game, simply call ourselves Dissidents or something similar."


  • *lost*

    Slaves. A nation of slaves, of everytribe, nation from out of the world. Into bondage. Mental and emotional, abused slaves. just llike every other class of slave that has gone through history. I have just remebered about the blood issue, i had x3 emergency C sections. There was no way I would agree to blood.

    A perpetual state of fear and control of many many people.

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