They read off the names of those auxilliary pioneering; 75% of them don't work &

by Theocratic Sedition 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    "If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat"


  • cobaltcupcake

    It's funny, but I never saw that in any cong I was associated with. The pios and aux pios were usually stay-at-home moms and retired people. Go figure.

  • jgnat

    I've seen it. One of the most insulting things a pioneer lady ever told me on hearing that I worked for the government, was "Good benefits". That's right. I picked the civil service because it was easier to fleece. Have witnesses never heard of a career?

  • stillin

    But the world will be a better place after the Memorial Season because morality will have been pounded into the heads of the public by so many God-loving, bible-thumping pioneers. The public consciousness will be raised to a new, higher level thanks to the new, reduced pioneer requirement of 30 hours!

  • rebel8

    Why don't you blow them in for welfare fraud? They have investigators. Tell them when to find them at the kh for their service meeting and then follow them out in fs to prove they're able bodied.

    You can even do it anonymously.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    We call them 'bludgers' here in Australia, people who bludge off the government. Most of the pioneers I know round here though are workers though one's on a widow's pension, and some others have retired. We even have a bunch of window washers and stay-at-home mums, but these ones aren't a burden on society.

    Ever noticed how some pioneers are 'creative' about how they count their time? I've seen an hour coffee break counted because someone left a tract on the table for the waiter. I've seen them at the group but not rock up to the territory til 10 because they were getting the children ready 'on the clock'. Or the one who runs her errands and counts the time because she winds down the window at the lights and talks to a person in another car, and leaves a magazine in the doctors' waiting room. People who are that creative with counting time are also creative when counting dollars.

  • tiki

    when someone truly cares about what they are doing, they do it for their inner satisfaction and they don't need a title or to be fawned over. they are content to go about their business and do their thing without fanfare and flattery. this entitlement because someone is running all over creation littering paper is just pathetically ridiculous.

  • Quarterback

    C'mon now, guys,

    We are not all window washers, unemployable, uneducated, on benefits etc. Some of us have worked and paid taxes, and still don't mind spending March, and maybe April with A/Pioneering.

    Sure 30 hrs may not be for some, but, if you experience some days that has lousy weather, and you are coping with Arthritis knees, then pacing yourself in this outdoor work is not a bad idea.

    But, it's not for everyone.

  • moshe

    You just have to have the knack to work and pioneer, too-

  • Quarterback

    Hi Moshe,

    Hey.....I know of many that work at Wall=Mart that are supplementing their pension income. Wall-Mart or any type of retail job is nothing to be ashamed of. I even know of a Rich woman who enjoys working there.

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