They read off the names of those auxilliary pioneering; 75% of them don't work &

by Theocratic Sedition 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    No problemo with retail work- I even did a 4 month gig at Target a few years ago- I was supposed to ask a customer every hour- "can I help you find something?"- but for some reason some customers gave me the urge to say, "can I tell you where to go?"-

  • Quarterback

    Hee, Hee, Hee, Moshe.

    I can relate to that.

  • Scott77

    No problemo with retail work- I even did a 4 month gig at Target a few years ago- I was supposed to ask a customer every hour- "can I help you find something?"- but for some reason some customers gave me the urge to say, "can I tell you where to go?"-

    moshe, thanks for sharing. I liked that experience of yours.


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Aside from the conveniently disabled Dubs who receive benefits from the State, I know some Dubs who are just "attention whores"... they'll do anything for attention.... including aux pio-sneering (if it meant getting their names read from the platform)...

    I also know some slackers who suddenly aux pio-sneer a month before an expected major gathering (wedding reception, bethel tour, anniversary party. etc.) because they know that this significantly increases their chances of getting invited and finding a partner at these gatherings. After they meet their significant other, chances are they no longer sign up for pio-sneering for the rest of their lives...

  • smiddy

    I`ve seen that 40 years ago ,dole bludgers receiving benefits from the Govt.,not actively looking for work , but going pioneering ,receiving the praise from the congregation. Assholes.


  • ambersun

    When I was a pioneer 40 plus years ago, we had to do 100 hours a month and also support ourselves. I had a part time cleaning job earning 50p an hour, and I had to really graft for that money. I was constantly broke and had no money to buy new shoes to replace the ones that were worn out due to the number of miles I had to walk each week, due to the fact I couldn't afford to run a car. I was not on my own, we were nearly all in the same boat and either rode bicycles or walked. I don't know if it was just a rule amongst local congregations at that time, but we were not allowed to pioneer if we were accepting state benefits, we had to work to support ourselves!

    Nowadays, whenever I visit JW relatives, there seems to be loads of able bodied young men and women hanging around either meeting up at the house pre service or calling any time during the day for coffee breaks and to use the loo, all suited and booted in lovely clothes, who never break out into a sweat or look in any hurry to leave whatsever. I am quite sure at least some of them are on benefits. All this on top of the fact they only have to do a fraction of the hours WE had to do as well as support ourselves prior to 1975! Yet all that seems to have been conveniently forgotten about. Where has all the urgency gone if we are supposed to be even closer to the end??!

    To cap it all, I have had two different sisters confront me and ask me when I am going to "pull my socks up" regarding the "Truth", and another one shout at me for being selfish. I had dropped everything to go and help care for my mother at the time who was ill. None of the loving sisters seemed to be available to help out. They were probably too busy knocking doors and drinking coffee.

    It just makes my blood boil.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    2 of those in my congo are in their ninetys! I guess that is supposed to make me look bad since I am not yet fifty.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Indirectly they are encouraging to rather pioneer than to look after employment. Some countries don't take this attitude lightly. Their (un)employment agencies are geared up to get you working again at any cost so you will not burden the general public.

    To insinuate that taking any first job coming your way may not be the best choice, as the WTBTS has done, is plain wrong, and it is certainly not what the unemployed has vouched to do when signing up with an employment agency.

    It will create a lackadaisical attitude . . . . they rather will go pioneer.

    2013 Watchtower, January 15, page 13

  • wasblind

    Disability Means jus' that , no longer able to support yourself through work

    Social services is there to help the able bodied who don't have sufficient work

    Jehovah's witnesses who draw disability from the Govn't and Witnesses who get

    help from social service

    are required to work as door to door salesmen in order to be considered

    as an active Jehovah's Witness

    As Rebel8 pointed out , that's fraud when the Govn't pays you

    because you made a claim that you could not work , or find enough work to support yourself

    and yet regaurdless of the disability, or lack of a sufficient job, Jehovah's Witness work for the WTS

    as a door to door salesman

    Work is work. volunteer or not

    The thing is , complain all we want , they get a pass because It's a religious practice

    They're workin' for " God "

    The WT corporation gets away scott free under the guise of a " religion "



  • WTWizard

    First, I do not approve of anyone dogging their employment just so they can pious-sneer, whether it is 30 hours a month or 200. Welfare is supposed to be for those who legitimately cannot find work, or who cannot work for a legitimate reason (usually due to severe disability), not for those scumbags that use it to get out of working when work is available. And, if you are on unemployment, you should be making a reasonable attempt to locate another job. Granted, it is extremely difficult these days and the snoozepapers are doing a damn good job of lying about it. But, to pious-sneer instead of looking for another job is irresponsible. Even if the job market is impossible, now is the time to learn a trade or skill so you have something to barter with. You cannot do that and pious-sneer at the same time.

    And when a religious group instructs its members to pious-sneer instead of actively looking for work or developing a skill, that is an atrocity. Such people are now going to be a burden on the system. Bad enough the ones that sit at home watching soaps instead of looking for work, but when you are being told to go out and waste your time spreading rubbish from door to door, something needs to be done to cut them off. Perhaps even making the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class pay for the welfare expenses of all those who are preached into welfare and that pious-sneer. Or, everyone on disability who goes from door to door, and could find work or develop a skill to gain employment or for barter (including those who dog their rehab so they can pious-sneer longer) because the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger preaches that--the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger should be made to reimburse these programs for the drain on them.

    I would like to have my welfare and unemployment reserved for when I really need them. Such as if I get fired by some scumbag manager who is on a power trip, or they make the job intolerable, or the dump goes out of business. So long as finding work is all but impossible, or the work that is available doesn't pay enough to pay basic expenses, I would appreciate welfare checks (and assistance to develop a skill so I can get another job that pays enough to make ends meet or start a business, so I am not depending on welfare). If I get hurt, or seriously laid up, I would appreciate disability until I can develop a skill and get a job, or get rehab to where I can safely return to work. But, not to where I can dog finding another job or returning to work just so I can pious-sneer. To me, that is abusing the system.

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