Fictious "Universal Sovereignty" Issue Proposed By Watchtower Corporation Is Idiotic

by frankiespeakin 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP

    One has to wonder why someone so powerful as the Universal Wizard(tm) JEhovah(c) needs to worry about the opinions or loyalty of puny Men ? Why doesnt he require the same loyalty of dolphins ? What does he gain from all this loyalty ?

  • frankiespeakin


    """After millions and millions of years.... when the omnipotent and ever wise jehovah decides to create the humans a universe to house them a little talking snake tells a lie and the whole thing goes bezerk.

    Of course that instead of deleting all fix the problem and start again he decides to do a mickey mouse job.""""

    Great anology. What do you think about these guys reading Jehovah's and Satan's mind in their reasoning?

  • Scott77


  • cantleave

    This god dude is one hell of a f*cked up a**hole.....

  • frankiespeakin

    I wounder how many at Bethel really beleive this crap. It would be nice if the Governing Body wrote this crap in an up comming Watchtower so everyone can have a refresher course on the Issue of "Universal Sovereignty" and the Imagined thinking of both Deities projected by the psyche's of the Delusional Governing Body, because these kooks beleive in talking snakes, and issues of invisible Dieties struggles that have universal importance, a great fairy tale story following somewhat closely Pandora's Box, and other Mythology.

    I'm sure a lot at Bethel would love it! I'm thinking rumors are already going around about the mental states of these egotistical power grabbing authoritarians.

  • frankiespeakin
  • whathehadas

    This is the topic that had me thinking 3 years before I faded. I was working one night and I started to think about the situation in the Garden of Eden. I wondered how in the hell did Eve not question the snake enough before going back to God to confirm? Let alone Her asking HOW WAS THIS STINKING SNAKE TALKING IN THE FIRST PLACE? I was debating in my head for HOURS that night and at ONE point, I thought "Jehovah" was going to strike me down for questioning his rulership! I REALLY didn't get either, HOW ADAM did not confront Eve about taking and eating the fruit? Why he as the leader, not stop and go to God with the issue before eating?

    These were the questions that crashed my mind that lonesome night in a warehouse.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    good topic!

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