Not the most gripping plot in Caleb's latest adventure...

by cedars 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    "You see, Caleb, our brothers on the governing body know what happens when you steal; when they got caught stealing artwork from a whiskey distiller, they were super embarrassed.

    Let's learn from their mistake, OK Caleb?"

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thought this was too funny! It was e-mailed to me from a friend who hasn't quite signed up yet, but doesn't mind me posting his anonymous comments: "Caleb wants something that doesn’t belong to him. What helps him make the right decision?" I would ask this: "WT wants something that doesn't belong to it- your time, your life, your family inheritance, your worship. What will help WT make the right decision?" Oh, yes, I remember- actually following the Bible.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I remember seeing a programme on a cult that also used videos to indoctrinate children.

    This Caleb video is no less creepy then those ones were back then.

    I am surprised they haven't got Jehovah themed nursery rhymes.

  • likeabird
    Hardly a gripping plot.

    You're very generous, Cedars.

    I would say they missed the plot.


  • Jeffro

    I couldn't view the videos on the website in my default browser. I had to open Internet Explorer instead. Apparently Firefox makes Jehovah sad too.

  • Jeffro

    It really is a 'great' lesson: The reason you shouldn't steal is because if you do, an angry man in the sky won't be your friend. What a wonderful source of morality.

    Back in reality...

    (Caleb thinks about stealing the candy, then remembers...)

    Dad: How would you feel if someone stole something of yours.

    Caleb: I wouldn't like that. It would make me sad.

    Dad: If something would make you sad if someone did it to you, you shouldn't do it either.

  • Jeffro

    I think the old Star Trek episode, The Apple covered this style of 'morality' fairly well:

    AKUTA: Vaal has spoken to me. His words are true. Hear them. We are to kill the strangers.
    MAKORA: Kill, Akuta? We do not understand.
    AKUTA: It is a thing to do, like, like feeding Vaal. Vaal explained it to me. I will show you. This (the melon) is the head of one of the strangers. Find a heavy stick. Come up from behind the stranger and do this.
    (He swings his stick and smashes the melon to pieces.)
    AKUTA: It is a simple thing. It is the word of Vaal. It will be done to all of them when the sun returns in the morning.

    This is how you can be Vaal's... um... I mean... Jehovah's... friend.

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