TV Show, 'The Bible'

by LV101 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    Yeah, Noah did a dead on Sean Connery.

    Since when did Sarah have to talk Abe into jumping Hagar?

    Why did 'hova send the angels to tell Abe to impregnate Sarah after Ishmail was a teenager?

    it's all being done well by Hollywood standards, it's the original "script" that doesn't stand up to common sense.

    I didn't have the patience to wait for the Abraham/Isaac sacrifice re-creation.

  • earthfire

    So that's at least two of us who changed the channel ;-)

  • Quarterback

    Why isn't Canada being acknowledged in this program?. Who directed it, Ben Afleck? ....just kidding

    I'm watching the Vikings right now. It looks interesting, but it's in a story format. I think some fiction in introduced into it.

    I have PVR'd the Bible story.

    Thanks for reminding me.

  • LV101

    I recorded and will watch soon. The Lot/daughter account always bothered me also.

  • Glander

    correction on my statement - " Since when did Sarah have to talk Abe into jumping Hagar?"

    According to the Biblical story at Genesis chap 16, this is exactly what happened.

  • QueenWitch


    I died when the only minorities thus far were the angels. I died again when Asian Angel did some Samurai Jack s*** to kill the Sodomites. Disappointed that the Golden Calf party was cut as was the incident of the 1st Desperate Housewife (Pharoah's wife seducing Joseph). No mention of the shenanigans in the wilderness. I thought Lot's daughters were older as was Isaac. Wasn't Hagar brown-skinned? And seeing Hagar and Isaac booted into the wilderness is really cold-blooded. But this is the Bible and that makes it okay :/

    Personal note: The Abe/Isaac story really bothers me now. Assume there is a God, omnipresent, omnicient, omnipotent. Bible says the sacrifice of his miracle son was a test of faith. Well, God is omnicient, he knew Abe wouldn't do it (in this universe) so why the test. Enter in quantum mechanics that say every choice happened. So in an alternate universe, Abe killed his son. And God knows this so again, why the test? I guess it's the moral of the story. Well, why didn't God speak to Sarah, Abe, AND Isaac so they could corroborate the story? My 17 yr old is pretty strong. And like most teens, he barely listens to me. If for some reason Goddess told me I had to kill my son, first I would question Her and if I managed to get past that, my son would probably wrestle the weapon from me. Also, my husband who supports my Paganism would definitely intervene.

  • Glander

    Enjoyed your post, Queen! LOL

    You did a good job of pointing out the absurdity of the Bible in general and the Old Testament in particular.

    The History channel production is being done by professional entertainment producers.

    I think a lot of viewers are being struck, maybe for the first time, by the fairy tail stories. Just enjoy, don't think.

  • designs

    I watch it for the first time last night, kind of silly- Pharoah's army and the vast Israelites were just a few hundred actors lol

  • Tater-T

    watched ten minutes or so of LOT .. unwatchable .. changed channel..lame IMO

    I used to watch the bible accounts of their battles and how the were won or lost due to the strategy.. made me think It wasn't jehavah's blessing.. but a good plan..

    Like walls of jerico ..they snuck in on rope hanging out of window .. when horn blew .. they attacked from the inside .. opened doors, hence.. walls came down .. not magic..

  • Honeybucket

    I watched it. But what annoyed me was all of the christian commercials. I especially like the "come back to the catholic church, we've changed!"

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