The CO asked for money tonight at the meeting.

by life is to short 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    The constant 'Deficit' at every Circuit Assembly was really annoying, expecially when it was fabricated by manipulation- send more to the Wt. than is in the coffers, then guilt trip the faithful to cover the loss.

  • Gayle

    how that dollar that little boy gave could have fed his family,

    It is downright inhuman to accept or encourage a boy giving such money to an organization instead of him helping to feed his family. The leaders at the WTS and COs have no concept of making a living in the real world. Just how many COs get taken out to eat because many of them have finicky needs of foods. The Headquarters have no concept of the degree of cost of raising a family. How many had to use their credit card to make it to their conventions, etc.

    The WTS leadership is a most incompassionate people!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Sorry Jeffro about the mistake of "three quarters of a million dollars per publisher per month." is what I meant. I was trying to put this up before my husband got home and I made a mistake. I meant only three quarters of a million per month not publisher.

    Splash: The CO also used the 'widows two coins application' but it was kind of drowned out by his penny, dime and chicken story.

    But what amazed me the most about last night was when my husband came home from the meetings, I brought up how I had never heard such pleading for money from the stage and my husband said he did not get that at all from the talk.

    I then brought out that the CO kind of made a fool out of himself about the chicken story as the little boy was happy that the chicken was a rooster as it brought in a dollar and then the CO joked that rooster must be worth more and thus Jehovah let it turn out that way. Roosters are never worth more then hens as the hens are the ones who make you the money by laying eggs. Roosters from what I remember as a kid are usually used for stew meet and not that valuable, but Jehovah made this chicken a rooster. My husband did say he caught that mistake.

    OK so I went off the subject but it was just so stupid and clearly the CO was pushing for money. I am thinking maybe its always been this way and I just did not notice while I was in but now that I have stopped going to meetings when I do listen in it hits me harder in the face how they do plead for money.

    I have unknown to my husband been going to a local church with a friend of mine and never once in the eight to nine times I have been to the church have I heard them plead for money like I have at the KH. I even went on a woman's retreat with my friend and it cost $150.00 for three days, $50.00 a day but we got a place to stay and wonderful food so really it was not as much as an assembly would cost. The interesting thing was that if you could not afford it you could still go, the church picked up the bill for that women. I had never been offered even a ride to go to the assembly when I was single and very poor. I had to save and take the bus one time over 300 miles while the older elders drove with only their wives in the empty cars.

    The church I have went to has been overly kind to me when I have ween people even are starting to know me by name. And I know also they help their memeber when they are in need. Also on a side note when my husband and I first moved into the congregation he is still attending there was a MS who would go to the local store and get all the day old bread then he would take it to the KH and "give it away" from his car only you had to pay him for his gas that it cost him to drive to the store to pick up the bread which he was asking about $5.00 per person if you took anything from him. The elders did put a stop to it as they felt he was using Jehovah's house to make money. One elder totally flipped out over it, funny this same elder said nothing about pedophiles going door to door yet he flipped out about bread. OK I am digressing again.

    So the first time I went to this church they had the same day old bread that this brother used to get sitting on a table in the commons room where they also serve coffee and cookies after the service. So I asked my friend what was up with the bread and how much did it cost to get it as I saw many family's taking it. She told me NOTHING. I said what about the gas it cost to go get it. She said it does not cost that much to go get it and one of the members of the church goes to the store to get the bread to help the members of the church who are poor or need some help it's all free. I was just shocked.

    That MS really had a gig going at five dollars a person he was making about $20.00 a meeting. I only took the bread once or twice as he would try to make you feel guilty if you didn't take it as he had went out of his way to get it, I am sure that was why the elders stopped it but still it is amazing the differences between the JW's and this church which by the way is just three blocks from the KH.


    PS please forgive my spelling Jefffro or anyone else as I am not that great of speller especially after not posting much for awhile sorry.

  • prologos

    life is so short.: especially for a rooster in a country where they have cock-fight - gambling.

    May be the rooster was worth more than a hen because he will perform in the arena. So:

    Question of consciens:

    will the WT society accept money that is more abundant because it is ultimately linked to a gambling operation?

    raising roosters to print rags?mags?really?

  • moshe
    so if every publisher would just put one dime into the box each month it would add up to three quarters of a million dollars per publisher per month.

    Publishers make budget choices every month and over time it adds up-- hmm, let me think, family plan at AT&T ($200+/mo) and 99cent refurbished IPhones for all?- or the budget Walmart / Virgin Mobile w/ $35-50/mo pay as you go plans and $99 Android smartphones?? decsions, decsions--should I give up my smartphone and give the money to the WT?- or cancel my cable TV premium sports package?

    That doesn't even register 10 minutes worth of guilt after they leave the KH. The CO might get his dime per publisher during his visit, but that is chump change for the JWs-

    I have always said, if the WT ever told the JWs that Jehovah was reinstituting the tithe, you would see all the faders and enlightened JWs suddenly jump up and hand in their membership cards and leave the KH- shunning be damned-- get your hands off my money!!

  • wasblind

    When I was growin' up . before they would pass the plate in church

    A prayer would be said and folks would be reminded not to " Rob God " in that prayer

    As if to say we need to pay for the blessin' recieved cuz

    bein' thankful wasn't enough

    Religions as a whole rob folks of their spirituality

    by nickle and dimin' them to death




    What's that old C.T Russel quote about money, and when it runs out? Something like God will take care of it... I am waiting for a U.S website for donations to be announced. I think the GB are too wiley to put Card Readers in the KH or ask for a tithe. They will guilt trip and have reminders about the privilege of donating. Adding a donation link to JW.ORG will be next IMO. Pretty disgusting..

    Perhaps the GB should read this article.

    Is it time to sell out and start over?


    TheLivingChurch (Episcopal) said last November 23: "Not long ago a survey was published of religious beliefs held in a distinguished parish of our Church. It was appalling to note how little some people actually believed, in spite of the fact that supposedly they stand up and recite the Creeds every Sunday in church. It was correctly pointed out that in most instances this rather depressing weakness of faith was due to lack of definite teaching. Nevertheless . . . a layman who goes through the motions of saying a Creed he does not believe, or, indeed, who joins a Church which professes a Faith he does not believe, is just as blameworthy as a clergyman who fails to teach orthodox Christianity to his flock."

    Further shortcomings of much of today's religion were shown at the Annual Assembly of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in London's Westminster Chapel, in May, 1950. There Chairman Lovell Cocks, principal of Bristol's Western College, sizzled forth: "Can faith as halting as ours outrun the fierce dynamism of the Marxist creed? Can we hope to beat the Communists until Christians know their stuff as well as the Communists know theirs? Till we do the Communists need not be afraid of us." As to the big ill-attended churches, he said: "These fellowships have come to believe that the cause of the kingdom means keeping these buildings going, and everything else is sacrificed. . . . May it not be that what Christ really wants them to do is to sell out, to get rid of their buildings, and hire a room over a shop-an upper room, and begin all over again in an apostolic way."

    No knowledge, no belief, a halting faith, worship of buildings, the fire of true Christianity gone-that is Christendom. Its dynamism has been extinguished with the poisonous gas of human theories, political and social meddling and false doctrine. It has dulled the senses to real Christian belief and action. You have a choice-the world's apathy or the firm, dynamic faith of true Christianity. Which will you choose?

  • punkofnice

    The CO knows the 'contributions' are drying up.

    Why leech from the R&F? Why aren't they relying on Jehovah( TM )?

    Easy. They know it's a crock. They know TTATT......or they're just plain brainwashed and gullible!

  • OnTheWayOut

    LITS, I am not interested to go to other churches, but you may have found one where people come first as long as the light bill is paid for. Most people are good and even that brother with day-old bread might have had good intentions to help. But it does sound like he was gouging for day-old bread, and using the Kingdom Hall connection to be his customers- that is what Watchtower does.

    Many churches are actually very concerned about aiding people in need. Sadly, not the case with Jehovah's Witnesses. One of my biggest stumbling blocks was their putting recruiting above all else.

  • Quarterback

    Why don't they introduce a special campaign for March, and April, and during the month of the CO's visit. They could ask for volunteers to donate 30 cents for each of those months. The names of the volunteers could be announced. They could have a special meeting when the CO visits the congregation.

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