Is it the GB's plan to NOT explain the nu FDS lite?

by outsmartthesystem 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    This is the only case I will say, "Wait on Jehovah GB/FDS/WT".

  • DesirousOfChange

    I agree that an ambiguous policy is exactly what the GB wants. It leaves a lot of doors open for later interpretation and back peddling. Also it does make the avg publisher feel dumb if they don't understand it. This helps the publisher accept just about anything without question and before they know it, it's changed again.

    YEP! If it never gets printed in them publications then they never got to do no embarrassing retractions. (sic)



  • 00DAD

    I actually think that they've chosen this controlled release on purpose. Think about it!

    They've been directing people to go to the website for a while now. Those that have gone found out about the "New Light" before those that haven't. That's powerful. As humans, we all want to be "in the know." I know I do!

    Those that have been lazy about regularly checking the website will feel left out as the news gradually gets disseminated by word of mouth. This is more of that powerful stuff. Due to the way JWs handle change, especially concerning their own doctrines, they will tend to doubt it when they first hear someone mention it. But then when they go on-line to confirm it for themselves it will also reinforce in their Pavlovian trained minds the importance of going to regularly and often.

    When the "New Light" is announced at the DC, the speaker will no doubt say something along the lines of, "But those of you that have been regularly going to our website as instructed by 'the Faithful Slave' already know this!" And of course that will swell the heads of those that are already in the know and embarrass those that weren't. No one wants to be left out.

    All of this effectively reinforces obedience and groupthink while simultaneously squashing any critical thinking skills or an independent mind.

    Interestingly, the actual beliefs are unimportant. What matters is blind, unquestioning obedience to the leadership. It's all about manipulation and control.

    In a way, it's genius. Evil and twisted, but genius nevertheless.


    (Comments previously posted on What will be the "New Light" at the 2013 DC)

  • trujw

    00DAD I think you are giving these mental midgets too much credit. I think as I said before it needed to be done soley for lawsuits and these morons now are having trouble explaining it and making sense.

  • slimboyfat

    Who knows what the plonkers are up to? Maybe they don't even know. Or they simply forgot to make an article about the new light.

  • cedars


    In a way, it's genius. Evil and twisted, but genius nevertheless.

    I must concur with trujw. You can call the Governing Body a lot of things, but I don't think "genius" is one of them!


  • trujw

    What I am interested in is how can they explain Matt: 16 16-18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (ESV). So did Satan prevail against his Church? How did ones learn about Jehovah for 2000 years without a FS being no where to be found and if the FS is only needed in the last days why? So people could be saved without them before? So many questions that need to be answered.

  • 00DAD

    Trujw, SlimBoyFat and Cedars,

    Clearly Stephen Lett is NOT the sharpest tool in the drawer. And there is no question that these guys canNOT come up with a "theology" that is even remotely coherent, let alone internally consistent.

    However, they ARE really good at using manipulative control techniques and the use of propaganda. They way they do this has convinced me that it is deliberate and calculated. They know what they're doing when it comes to mental manipulation and control.

    Maybe they're just natural born abusers with a gift for it.

    I also suspect that the 8GB boys aren't really holding the reigns. On another thread, jgnat offered the idea that--like many big corporations--the WT organization has taken on a life of its own with no one person or group actually in control.

    For us on the outside it's a black box. But we can surmise a few things based on their actions. I suspect that WT Legal is the proverbial tail wagging the dog. Ironically, the individual members of the Legal Department probably actually believe that the Guys in Brooklyn really are God's Appointed and follow their direction while giving their own.

    What a picture: A dog chasing its tail which is wagging the whole beast!

    How the GB create new doctrine

    Let's review: It's a cult!


  • flipper

    I agree with what 00DAD said AND what OUTSMARTHESYSTEM says in his opening post. I agree with those of you who say that yes. the WT Society iS concerned about legal liability, you bet they are. That's ONE of the reasons they delay opening up Pandora's Box by keeping this thing n the downlow. but I agree that it's ALSO master manipulation of rank & file Witnesses in order to only give them , what do they call it ? " Food at the proper time " ? Then the GB or writing committee may reason " the brothers and sisters may not be able to handle this right now as it's pretty deep " . Translation to what's really happening ; GB is REALLY saying privately " We have to consolidate our power and control over the Witnesses in the organization privately in order to protect the ORGANIZATIONS welfare and progress because many are NOT following our direction and also continue to " legally defend the faith " ( translation we are a corporation first and foremost protect our $$$$ asses & assets ). It's more convoluted than the GB would EVER reveal to rank & file JW's

  • wasblind

    According to my sources, they actually said at the Annual Meeting that more details would follow in due course._____Cedars

    Hello there Cedars

    I guess they're trynna piece a meal together in due season to feed the sheep


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