Noah's Ark and I'm a dumbass

by new22day 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    new22 re: Cat and mouse- not to get totally off topic but I found a mouse in the pantry this morning, tossed a towel over it and took it outside to Mr. Cat, that's his name- Cat, opened the towel and GULP! That cat loves me

  • cofty
    Such as?


    Global flood

    Mold isn't caused by leprosy

    Epilepsy isn't caused by demonic possession

  • designs

    Where's Stephen and one of his Vidoes

  • cofty
    with a straight face, claim that an earthly global flood is impossible. - Perry

    Here is an accurate representation of all the water on earth. The smaller body is Jupiter's moon Europa.

    For more info click here...

  • Finkelstein

    He told me I needed to grab a freaking education because Noah's Ark had been found

    No it hasn't !!!!!

    Sounds like this guy needs an education like Perry, who selectively grads bits of information but not in any skeptical thinking manner

    or balance from other connecting supporting evidence.

    Why ?

    Lack of education and a emotional connection to spiritualism .

    Anything can happen in mythical story telling and many stories were told to support certain and various deities from the ancient world.

    There were many stories told from the people who created and worshiped Yahweh ( Jehovah ) as well.

  • new22day

    Well global flood aside, he was referring to the literal ark, with all the animals and the Mount Ararat thing. I don't want to be rude, but all the animals on earth sailed around in a boat? Come on.
    lol - What did they eat? (do people seriously belief this stuff?)

  • cyberjesus

    atheists... get an education

  • new22day

    Cyberjesus, you sound like my ex - kinda dumb. We should totally go on a date

  • rebel8
  • Perry

    Geological Evidences for a Flood

    We all have basically the same information available to us. Uniformitarianism, the geologic columnn, macro evolution, something from nothing and the whole naturalism paradigmn in general doesn't add up and is NOT science, since it cannot be tested by the scientific method. It is opinion.

    Given man's propensity for self-deception, which can be proven scientifically, at a minimum it is certainly not something to blindly accept as truth. I believe the naturalism paradigmn to simply be a short-term psychological device that will go the way of the dinosaur shortly.

    No offense to anyone personally.

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