by California Sunshine 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel


    I passed this along to many of my family. It's a great story, I appreciate it and think it will help others realize what's most important in life, the people we love!

    Thank you, I'm happy for you!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sunny, Paul, TJ,

    Thanks for sharing your happy experiences. Here's hoping we can read more and more of these in the months to come.

    JT your friend Rob is right on; Witnesses are taught to look at their families with suspicion, not joy. As if a Saturday spent disturbing their neighbor's peace can be a "bonding experience." In fairness to Yardirf, I recall he has spoken of how much he loves his wife. It would be nice to hear him and YouKnow and even fuzzy Fred talk just once about those things that bring them joy, make them feel glad they're alive. Does anything? I hope so.

  • Dutchie

    California, I was absolutely moved by your story. Siblings are a treasure to hold onto. They are people that we grew up with and with whom we share history with. I pray that you and your siblings are united and that you can finally find peace.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Californiasunshine, Hi! great reading your story and the other posts it has bring out on this thread.

    I'm really happy for you. Keep it up.... Love and Harmony,


  • bluesapphire

    California Sunshine, you did great. You are an inspiration to me. Maybe someday my JW sister will stop shunning me. I am her older sister too. Maybe someday she will send me an e-mail or ask me if she could come over.

    You gave me hope. I hope not 20 years go by. But at least I can hope.

  • Marilyn

    Sunny, I know how you feel. I've been shunned by my siblings for 20 yrs also. My disfellowshipping (for apostasy) dates back to April 1981! - So I'm coming up for 21 now!!! The only thing that happened to us last year was my older brothers daughter came to visit us and she was so lovely and happy to be meeting us. It felt completely sureal. I'm sure you and I could have a great old natter about how respective family troubles - thanx to the Troof!!!


  • BluesBrother

    "accounts that most folks find "Touching" they don't even cause a jw to blink

    how sad"

    Quite true.. The trouble is that they are so "expletive!" rule bound they stop using human emotion and judgement . They have to, they could be told to shun their best friend next week and they dare not trust their heart. In it's most extreme form it moves them to allow a childs life to slip away for want of blood treatment;and they call it loyalty.

  • TweetieBird

    I think that most witnesses know, deep-down, that to shun loved ones is wrong. When I was still a believing dub, I could never force myself to shun my "apostate father." At first I limited my contact to him, trying to be obedient to the society, but after a while, love of family won out.

    Most family members that SHUN, do it because they feel they are being loyal to Jehovah. After a while, I think some come to realize that "a God of Love" would not require one to turn their back on flesh and blood. After a while, the BS radar kicks in.

  • eyegirl

    it's so nice to know you're not the only one who this happens to. it took 15 years for my sister and i to be reunited. she left when i was 8 and because of the WT and my parents, i wasn't allowed to see her all the while i lived at home. my older brother left the org when he was 18 and told me that whenever i was ready he could take me to see her. i was totally paralyzed by the fear of what would happen to me if i did, that i chickened out. finally, my sister found me off of the website. after 15 years, we saw each other on easter sunday, 2001. looking back now i'm so bitter and angry that the 3 of us kids growing up weren't allowed to be together. teenage years are hared enough without all this dysfunctional shit. and i would also like to thank everyone here for being so great--i don't know that i've ever felt so welcome before.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Interesting that is thread is being brought back up today.

    Sunny, her younger sister, and JW sister are having their second get together today.

    As Sunny mentioned, she and younger sister are avid quilters and JW sister, being an experienced sewer wants to learn. So through quilting they have a connection.

    I know the whole ugly history of what Sunny, and especially her younger sister, has been through and to think that it has gotten to this point is nothing short of a miracle.


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