December 15 Watchtower --- A New Low in WT Anti-Intellectualism

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  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Apognophos >>>

    Gerrit Lösch (GB member) stated recently that "pursuing higher education is like putting a gun to your head"

    You can watch it here (courtesy of Cedars):

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The only WT litteratrash I read is the study articles with Blondie's commentaries and a few other postings here on the forum.

    And as I read WT rubbish or listen to clips from WT talks or videos, I can actually feel synaptic damage in my brain as their writings and teachings actually make me dumber.

  • vajeni82

    I wonder how long it will be before they go mainstream & just start doing Powerpoint instead. Nobody will need any books. That will save them tons of money on printing!

    The one thing I always respected about the JW's is that you actually use the bible (granted it's a whacked out version) during the talks etc.. When I was a kid, I had to learn the books and how to reference everthing. The same went for difficult words. I see this as another way to get away from having to back up their BS with scripture and fact.

  • Vidiot
    wha happened? - "The books seemed a lot more complicated."

    That's because the books were all (by and large) written by Fred Franz.

    Say what you will; Freddie had actual writing talent and a knack for adapting mid-20th Century right-wing conspiracy theory into Russel's and Rutherford's cosmology.

    He left no protege, however (making his interpretations essentially WT canon), and now the WT is stuck with an End-Times script featuring powerless or nonexistent bad guys.

    Just my opinion.

  • tiki

    vidiot - i think you have something least he piqued interest on some level. i gave up on it a long time ago, but just reading and skimming through stuff people post here from the mags/ is worse than sad. why even bother..............but it is diabolically clever at warping emply heads and sad sack people who can't get beyond themselves................i hate that i was stuck in that place for as long as i was.......wasted years.......................

  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is to confuse the witlesses. The LIE-ble, which they claim to abide by, is not written in simple terms but is intentionally confusing so the average person cannot plainly see that it is about enslavement of the masses. It starts right off with a death threat--unless you accept being a slave to joke-hova, you shall die. Satan blew the whistle on that scam, and mankind wisely rejected slavery. Joke-hova couldn't bear that, so that thing went and made things miserable and arranged for people to die. This dying was not directly a result of eating that fruit, but because joke-hova was so determined to enslave the human race.

    And just about everywhere you read in the LIE-ble, you find the same theme. Most of the Old Testament is about "God's chosen people" conquering the Gentiles that lived in "the promised land". The LIE-ble makes up crap about why those people "deserved to die", but mostly because they didn't worship joke-hova. The New Testament is about preparing Gentiles to accept this slavery. Of course, it is kept veiled so the average person does not understand it.

    Of course, the more educated the witlesses become, the more the chance they are going to see right through not only the religion not following the LIE-ble but that the whole LIE-ble is about mass enslavement. In reality, joke-hova doesn't give a fxxx which religion you pick, as long as you are going to fight to the death that yours and yours alone is the truth and you are not even willing to look outside it for the truth. The washtowel, on the other hand, instills that they are the truth and everyone else is a lie--and, from their viewpoint, they are hurt if members seek another religion. Of course, much of that is a delusion and intended to cement that "We have the truth and everyone else is in a lie" crap designed to keep people from even looking at outside systems.

    Or questioning the religion, let alone the whole LIE-ble.

  • jam

    I should have realize , Jehovah a jealous God. Worried or

    afraid that someone else is taking the love or attention that one

    has or wants, envious, insecure and vengeful. But because of the like

    of intellect, I fail right in line with the dumbness and teaching of

    the WT. But today, it is a new low in WT anti-intellectualism. LOL

  • sir82
    Say what you will; Freddie had actual writing talent and a knack for adapting mid-20th Century right-wing conspiracy theory into Russel's and Rutherford's cosmology.

    He also had an intellect, an appreciation for reasoning ability (the convoluted processes he used and wacked out conclusions he reached, well, that's a different story...).

    He was wacky, but he was consistently wacky, and was not afraid to stand up to challenges to his ideas.

    Current WT leaders seem to be extraordinarily proud of their stupidity, and demand the same from their followers.

  • Apognophos

    Thanks, bats in the belfry, though it's sad to hear a GB member deliver a message like that. Talk about being out of touch. I can't imagine that many JWs were convinced by such an extreme analogy.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Sorry, I couldn't help. :)

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