You are EVEN ALLOWED TO HAVE SEX with your marriage mate!!

by 2+2=5 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • grumblecakes

    was the op a serious quote, or just paraphrasing?

    i couldnt get around to reading it myself cause i was too busy having sex.

  • 2+2=5

    Grumblecakes, this is a little more of the quote to get some context

    9 Some desires, when satisfied in the manner decreed by the Creator, are not wrong in themselves. Indeed, they add pleasure to life. For example, there are the normal desires to enjoy good food and drink, to participate in refreshing activities, and to find delight in wholesome companionship. Even the desire for sexual pleasure with one’s marriage mate is fitting and has its place. (1 Cor. 7:3-5) Peter, though, correctly limited the “fleshly desires” of which he was speaking to those that “carry on a conflict against the soul.” Making it obvious just what is meant, some Bible translations speak of “fleshly lusts” ( King James Version ) or “sinful desires” ( New International Version ). Clearly, any human desire that conflicts with Jehovah’s expressed purpose and that could negatively affect one’s good relationship with God must be kept in check. Otherwise a Christian’s hope of keeping his soul alive could be seriously endangered.

    As you can see, the quote is not really taken out of context. There is a subtle message that even sex with your marriage mate might end up getting you killed at Armageddon. Any human desire. Best to stick to studying the WT and praying to the GB, this will keep us safe when the Big A strikes. Which by the way is still SOON, here is another gem from the same article

    7 Soon Christ will exercise his authority to destroy Satan’s wicked system

    I hate soon. They never define it, and they use it constantly now in articles and talk outlines. Soon. . . . Is that within 5yrs, 20yrs. . . . .200yrs.

    The Watchower speak is so painful. 'participate in refreshing activities' and 'find delight in wholesome companionship'. SHUT UP!! Please STOP!!

  • jgnat

    Here's a graph inspired by Blondie's post. Notably missing from the list was eating and sleeping.


    How the rest of the world spends its' time:

  • jgnat
  • Gojira_101

    There were a few times when my husband and I were still going to meetings that we would say "screw it" to going to the meeting stay home LOL.

    I love this thread by the way!

  • Eustace

    If it didn't "have it's place" - the human race would have died out long ago!

    Good point, though if you want to get technical people having sex outside of marriage might've kept things going. It would've been a shame for all the fatherless children, though, and the human race would be in a much more primitive state I'd bet.

    If The Watchtower had it's way we'd all be living in mud huts.

  • grumblecakes

    2+2=5 , thanks for the context, damn,they are really getting bats**t crazy.

    do they seriously think that meeting attendance and FS is waning due to married jws having copious amounts of sex? have they seen how f**ked up witness marriages are? their thought process is hysterical.

  • 2+2=5

    Those 'has it's place' WT quotes from Blondie are disturbing when you see them all compiled like that. That comment from Pistoff was awesome, spot on. I think jgnat's graph highlights the fact that true Christians know eating and sleeping has its place, it comes after kingdom interests. The GB seem to be paranoid that the rank and file might be enjoying normal lives, God forbid.

  • designs

    If you experience delirium, dizziness, or euphoria stop activity immediately and call Brooklyn for further instructions

  • Rattigan350

    What else would one expect when there is a Q from Readers about in vitro fertilized eggs that have been frozen and what to do with them?

    What difference does it make?

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