Why Worry About Stopping Comets?

by AGuest 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    The relative hazard of Meteors, Asteroids, and Comets are rated on the Torino Scale.


    Currently there are no comets on the Torino Hazard Scale.

    A comet's nucleus is typicaly 1-10 kilometers (up to 6 miles) across.

    The meteor that exploded over Russia is estimated to be about ten tons and 49 feet wide (14 meters).

    Asteroid VK184, the only object currently on the Torino Scale, has a width of about 130 meters (425 feet).

  • AGuest
    Why worry? Because your god has a history of watching children, women and men, dying in great numbers.

    And man doesn't, dear S&R (good morning and peace to you!)? If it God has such a history, how exactly will/does worrying change that?

    He was quite happy to allow meteors destroy most of earth's life on more than one occasion.

    You assume He was "quite" happy. I must disagree. I don't know whether you have children but I know there are MANY in this world who do... and who must, at some point, give in to their children's wishes and "butt out." Sometimes, even to the detriment of their own grandchildren. For example, they might KNOW that their own child's choices are going to prove detrimental to that child's child. But it is their RIGHT, after all, to decide what is "best"... for themselves AND their children. Grandpa can only warn... and even that only so much.

    If your god was that awesome,,he would have crossed the 't's and dotted the 'i's and checked the trajectories of all the flying death rocks in space.....

    Why? He's not the god of the physical world. Why aren't you looking to... and blaming... the one who is? Oh, oops, no... THAT one gets to get off without a scratch. Of course he does: HIS worshipers make it so.

    Please, seriously.... Go buy some books. We know what meteors/comets are, we know how they are made. We know they have hit before and will again (900 injured by one yesterday).

    Please, seriously... take your angst, anger, and pain out on someone else. Perhaps those who hurt YOU so. T'wasn't me... nor the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    Humans have started plans for nuclear breakup devices, for creating devices to change its trajectory...

    Not sure what you point is. Mine is that... well... they apparently missed one... and perhaps you've been watching too many Bruce Willis movies. Not that that's bad - I love his movies, actually...

    There are a few plans being worked on.

    Yes, I understand. I also understand that, in some instances, the best laid plans of mice and men... well, I'm sure you've read the book.

    Prayer is not top of the list.

    Not yours perhaps, no. Personally, I can't see where it would hurt. A little science... a little prayer... then you pretty much ALL of your bases covered. Seems rational... and a fairly THOROUGH plan, to me...

    Peace... and maybe reconsider that caffeine...

    A doulos of Christ,


  • jgnat

    Who is worrying about stopping comets?

    I would think deflecting would require less effort.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Ideally you would land a small unmanned vehicle on a large asteroid and nuke it.

    Nuke it? Uh, no. Why not use a gravity tug so you know where it goes rather than nuke it and who the hell knows what will happen?

  • OnTheWayOut

    First of all, the pic above of the meteor's blast damage to windows is a wonderful example of why Kingdom Halls are built without windows.
    At least I bet that's what some JW's are saying today.

    Secondly, God will whisper a warning in the ears of anyone He wants to spare from this type of tragedy and we can write off all the rest, just like the Indonesia tsunami or the Haiti earthquake.

    Just heed whatever God whispers in your ear or recognize that you are written off.

  • tec

    Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I watched the videos about this, and I thought that we had a pretty awesome and natural planetary defense mode. I know that it won't help against something huge, but the heat from entering the atmosphere slows down and disintegrates the smaller things entering our atmosphere. There might be damage from some of them, but the life of this planet is not in danger.

    And it is just the way the natural laws work. I'm not an ID person (and I dislike much of what is stated in ID, because evolution answers most of the same questions) but I thought that - natural defense of our planet against objects forcing their way in -is pretty damn clever ;)



  • EntirelyPossible

    There might be damage from some of them, but the life of this planet is not in danger.

    And it is just the way the natural laws work. I'm not an ID person (and I dislike much of what is stated in ID, because evolution answers most of the same questions) but I thought that - natural defense of our planet against objects forcing their way in -is pretty damn clever ;)

    There are about a million ways the universe can, will and does kill us.

  • tec

    Never said there wasn't. Moving, shifting, reacting universe... makes such things possible.

    Just commented on this particular 'defense' against the natural effects of such a universe.



  • EntirelyPossible

    It's not a defense, it's just physics.

  • tec

    Yes, the physics provide a defense.



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