My ex JW sister is an APOLOGIST!!!!!

by joyfulfader 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • steve2

    Think rocks and planets.

    Some rocks break "free" from planets yet remain well within their orbit, twirling round and round and round, as bound as ever and definitely not free.

    So, too, some people appear to break "free" from the organization but, by their knee-jerk reactions prove they remain tightly controlled within the official orbit of the organization, despite their craven hypocrisy in failing to consistently follow the organization . Sad and pathetic creatures, twirling round and round and round.

  • Kojack57

    I've read all of your comments and I can attest to the truthfulness of it all. It's amazing that you can be inactive and a fader for example and be totally still brainwashed by the BORG in that you still refuse to do research, because the G.B. is dead set against it. And in the back of your mind the CULT THINK STILL SAYS TO YOU DON'T DO IT.

    But I will tell you that as a former elder and a fader it took me many years to wake up and finally read anything that was considered APOSTATE IN NATURE.

    A friend and coworker who is an ex-bethelite asked me a question, "Have you heard of Ray Franz and I looked at him and said No, but I know of Fred Franz the former president of the society. When he realized I wasn't going to freak out on him he proceeded to inlighten me about a book "Crisis of conscience" and "In search of Christian freedom" that peaked my Interest and I began reading. And here I am FREE from guilt and worry of an Armageddon that will never come.

    My sister also who has been disfellowshiped for 30 years was always guilt ridden as she would tell me, so I recommended the books by Ray Franz and let her borrow them. She couldn't put the book down and finally she thanked me for helping her to FINALLY BREAK FREE. Man that made me feel Good!!! That we discovered the truth about the truth.

    So never give up on your friends or family, it will pay off in the long run.


  • Diest

    I was an apologist from 22-29. Never went to a meeting but I would fight the JW party line in religion discussions and talk about how moral they were. It was not until I found this site that I realized it was a courrpt and inept org.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Don't fret!

    I was an apologist for 10 years after i left...i wouldn't here of anything against the WT, not even from my wife.


  • gingerbread

    Leaving is a process. It takes time, sometimes years, to make the final cut. The progress is incremental. In my observation, a person who's involvement as a jw is only about meeting attendence, service time, giving talks, being around family, etc. can often stay "out" for some time and later jump right back in without blinking an eye. And these folks are always welcomed back with arms wide open.

  • joyfulfader

    thanks for the input everyone. i mistakenly assumed that she was where i am considering she hasnt been to a meeting in years and i just stopped 14 months ago. it took me no time at all to see TTATT. now that i examine things i can see her reasons for leaving were just about her not having a scriptural divorce and not a change of heart or eye opening experience. patience...

  • Ding

    As difficult as it is for a person to get out of the Watchtower, it's often even more difficult to get the Watchtower out of them.

  • joyfulfader

    i think its safer to keep my mouth shut for a while. she is extremely opinionated with no filter. i will bide my time and be here if she needs me. now i have to figure out what to do if she discusses my opinions with my parents. right now i feel as though if they are going to shun me, so be it. i love them terribly but if they have a double standard then i will learn to deal with it.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Why did she leave the organisation then?

  • joyfulfader

    she left because she wasnt allowed to divorce her ex husband without as scriptural reason and she didnt want to be alone forever. she has a bf and does all the things a worldly person does. she doesnt claim to have ever been a witness to anyone. funny thing is she has escaped any JC stuff by moving around so much. they know she is doing what she doing but no one wants to address it so she has successfully made the transition out physically. mentally is obviously a different story.

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