Hello EX- JW land!

by whyamihere 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Oh look forward to the pics. Is Hubby still in the picture ??? I am NOSY beside Mouthy

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    VillageGirl>>>>>I like your summarization of Watchtower's past 100 years.

    WhyAmIHere>>>>>It does the cockles of my heart good to hear of someone who learned TTATT 10 years ago and is enjoying a happy, healthy life, and raising kids the normal way. Unconditional love. Children getting to bed at normal times and no dressing up like little adults and knocking on neighbors doors.

    Just Lois

  • NewYork44M

    I love your name. "why am I here." You need to add "who am I and" to your name. Who said that?

  • flipper

    WHYAMIHERE- Welcome back to the scene here ! Nice to have you here. Lots of exiting JW's have been joining here as of the last couple months . It's really awesome. I think someone posted a thread on it, at least 50 or more new members I believe, something like that. WT Society leaders are scaring the hell out of JW's with their power and controlling methods. Glad to see you and your children are doing well. Take care

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "What's new?"

    The number of partakers continues to increase, which must mean the end if very near!

    And there was a new GB member appointed last year who is only 47 or so, which means the end must be very far away!

    Congrats on the growing family. Busy mom like you will never have time to waste in a KH.

  • Pterist

    New "rolling trollies" or "carts" (for USA equivalents) for street distribution of the org's mags.

    Two steps behind scientology in street witnessing. No stress tester yet.

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