Power Struggle At Head Quarters Reason For Governing Body New Light?

by frankiespeakin 39 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • frankiespeakin

    Well could it be that we overlooked this little idea in our reasonings on why the Governing Body is comming up with new light they love the idea of? About the F&DS?

    You know to keep any type of rebellion at bay before it starts.

    Have you ever woundered what many that are closely associated with the Governing Body are feeling about these new guys called the Governing Body right now with all this new light loved by the Governing Body,,I smell trouble a brewing for these guys right there at headquarters I'm sure thier dealing with everbody they meet they reflect this same attitude so they got to be making enemies.

  • frankiespeakin

    And lets not forget the laying off of free labor of old timmers that can't work anymore, such treatment has got to be causing a very cold and dark atmosphere at headquarter as many fear what this new group of power hungry Governing Body will do to them.

  • prologos

    there could be also deep internal division over belief/doctrine reform. the haphazard emerging of new light/revision seems to indicate that

  • Finkelstein

    Naaaa .. they're just trying to present more power toward themselves and belittle and lower the anointed class,

    for as they know they are growing in numbers, the exact opposite of what they said would happened.

    They're even saying that a good portion of the anointed partaking these days are mentally deranged.

    Kind of like covering over their tracts, you might say.

    Thank god for this New Light though.

  • smiddy

    What`s that old saying ? "you start telling one lie , then you find you have to tell another lie , and then another ,and another and so on ." Admittedly the WTB&TS has got away with it for over 130 years through" spin manipulation and fear".

    But now maybe the chicken has come home to roost . And the Internet has played a major role in this .

    Watch this space



    It will be easier to say the 144,000 is symbolic if the FD&S is limited to a small group of men in Wallkill...or Brooklyn..or Patterson...or where ever the hell they are these days.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    the only power struggle at HQ is how to hang on to it.

    And that they do be rolling out new light as it suits. The remnant have never had any power and that is the way the GB want to keep it, the pesky fact of rising instead of falling numbers could have lead to some annointed (esp younger ones) wanting a say. The new light firmly places them as largely insignificant now, the numbers rising is no longer of consequence

    'power struggle' over before it starts.


  • 10west

    No, they have to have a "sit down" as one poster here has seen in this "roost" "in the temple of God" with a PUBLIC manifestation by a blatant self revelation of the "man of lawlessness" which must precede the larger events that will unfold on Bethel soon, because they are definitely a UN agency now; (See 2Thess2:3-4)

    So all the patterns of 1914-1918 that Christendom was guilty of, now the "Governing Body" is blatantly, explicitly guilty of prior to final temple inspcetion and judgment; (Zech3:1-3 and Mal3:1-2 are NOW) And a "1/3" symbolic portion of the JW overall Revelation 8 modern day symbolism, is a leavenized "elder body" (as also part of the workers of lawlessness) as the JW organization is in the calm before a massive temple storm that will activate the trumpets and bowls, in final fulfillment mode, as this progresses to the point JWs understand the "GB" are all external UN plants "gradually given over" fulfilling Daniel 8:11-12 parallel to Daniel 11:30, 41;

    There is way too much synchronous developments and cover up since 1990, along with the UN NGO still going on in promotional works, to just be a big coincidence; JWs are being set up for a "great tribulation" that is not actually anything but the judgment beginning where it is supposed to begin 1Peter4:17;

    WITH BETHEL and JWs;

    Globalist Hit List 2014:

    1. Bethel

    2. Bethel

    3. Bethel

    This way the WTBTS is totally setup and compromised with some final multi-million dollar "fund raisers" (e.g., fly Gilead missionaries home y'all!!) as the cherry on top, so that long after the GB is exterminated, terminated or neutralized by God (Zech3:4-6), also as per prophecy (Rev8:10-11), the globalists can still attempt to tie up the WTBTS world ministry, after the GB are gone, with derivatives blackholes etc, at globalist levels of power and legal webs worldwide, that can paralyze the final leg of the preaching work, while the 8th King UN system makes a dash for World War finality (and BTG), to proceed from this WTBTS coup pow-wow, first, unto other world religions later, much later as that is not finalized until 6th bowl/plague time in this sequence (BTG "Euphrates" dries up by divine aid);

    JWs will be in an abyss state of desolation (Rev9:1-2) as Dan8:11-14 actually fulfills with a timed sequence in Dan8:14 (2300 units) that actually leads somewhere this time for real, to trumpets 5 and 6, after 4 trumpets are heralded upon JWs in the dark (Dan8:26) of this abyssed state as JWs pay, by and large, organizationally, for the UN sins against God;

    The 1926, or 1932 interpretations of Daniel 8:14 are a timed period that leads no where, and is just part of the UN 3rd placement of 1990 that fulfilled Daniel 11:30-31 also being covered up by the UN GB operatives;

    The GB=FDS is just a Gehenna level blasphemy to attempt to drag as many JWs into this kind of gross sin, but since it is a deception, the Governing Body and others in full awareness of what they are doing, are the only ones actually sinning aganist the holy spirit, in broad daylight, no doubt laughing their arses off at this whole bombastic development prior to Bethel ground zero right in front of the ring kisser average JW faces;

    I mean JWs are now in several forms of blatant idolatries, in advanced forms, like in Hosea applied to Bethel;

    Basically Satan and the demons are in the Governing Body now, just biding their time, and playing a masterful ruse in full control since Fred Franz was squelched so as to lengthen the USSR illusions of Daniel 11:32-43 that actually apply to the UN 8th King system developments that the GB are skillfully covering for, by simply saying NOTHING, looking the part, creating plausible deniability, and hoping JWs do not actually read Daniel 11:36, that disqualifies the USSR explicitly on the spot, and shifts the whole Daniel 11:30-35 timeframe to 1990, and cold war as the womb of the 3rd United Nations world placement (That the GB aided as UN NGO; fulfilling their part in Daniel 11:31b) - which the demon GB simply bypasses as if nothing of major King North note has taken place, WHILE they leave JWs hanging at an erred Daniel 11:43 (we are actually at Daniel 11:41 NOW), ready for hoax Great Tribulation ruse when the next world war breaks out;

    This will put JWs in a vulnerable spot and mindset worldwide, with the Devil GB as the guides, who are actually the betrayers of "son of destruction" final meaning;

    JWs will think GT GT GT, but in fact the GB UN globalists will aid the delivery of as many JWs to internment camps, prisons and other intrigues, predictively laready programmed into WT articles, as possible with this prematurely advanced falsely informed condition that the USSR deception in Daniel 11 provides the deathtrap mindset for; The whole GB and ZO must by now all be compromised enemy agency; The whole legal, financial and JW world logistics must also be infiltrated significantly;

    Now it is just getting too obvious to continuously apply "plausible deniability" and masterful suited acting jobs, people are beginning to catch on that the GB are ACTUALLY UN worshipers, it is far more serious then the subterfuge excuses they use;

    These guys are NOT actually Jehovah's Witnesses, Christians or anointed;

    It is obvious now this is a perfectly executed, albeit divinely permitted infiltration in order to fulfill 2Thess2:3-4 explicitly, brazenly, beyond denialbility as per the modern day significance of what the "man of lawlessness" REALLY is today headed by;

    The Governing Body of (UN) Jehovah's Witnesses operations;

    That 2Thess2:3-4 is a prerequisite for what can now proceed and will develop over the next couple years or so in the doomed Bethel system fulfilling ALL of Hosea in modern day final fulfillment;

    Bethel will be desolated to a divinely permitted degree, that is when JWs and the world will know the final judgment cycle has indeed begun "with the house of God" (1Peter4:17) and will proceed over Rev8-11 and on to Armageddon through world war 4, to it's resolution to present United Nation 4.0, and that will be what the Bethel hit will be activating over 7 to 14 years;

    basically the world has ended when this becomes common knowledge, it just must go down in slow motion, over years, as per prophecy; But all JWs will eventually realize it has actually begun; Very SOON this is guaranteed by prophecy to develop;

  • Finkelstein

    " Admittedly the WTB&TS has got away with it for over 130 years through" spin manipulation and fear".

    Yes and it should be obvious to most discerning intelligent people that all of this occurred because the WTS./JWS is centralized

    around a publishing house.

    A blend of capitalism with religious freedom created the WTS., plain and simple.

    It would be quite foolish to think the growing number of the anointed class has nothing to do with this newly

    developed structuring policy within the WTS organization.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    I'm thinking that the same personality traits manifest in recent new light with the subsequent increase power over any new claimettes of annointed jw christians, and recent heartless lay-off of old timers. Has gotten many upset right there at headquartes.

    I'm sure many of those that are close to these guys are feeling the alienation these power hungry personality traits cause,, as nobody is considered with out suspicion or alterior motives, and manipulation is the only real game going on big time,, Governing Body manipulations of so called friends, and friends hoping to manipulate the GB. Both sides have so much at stake and so much to loose.

    I'm thinking headquarters has a the potenial to be a real live hornets nest, with a power hungry Governing Body alienating many so as to cause a big under currant of gossip and plots with sub plots, with the GB using the guilt and threats of annilation in the big A as thier major pllaying card.

    I'm sure the GB have beeen ruthless with some at headquarters, perhaps many feel slighted that they didn't get picked to be on the GB team. I expect more defections and leaks as a result.

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