To circumcise or not to circumcise?

by srd 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    "Anything that encourages people to be less like animals is a good thing in my book. Perhaps circumcision doesn't go far enough."

    I hope you are joking....otherwise you are just a sanctimonious duche bag.

  • TD
    Circumcision of your baby son is a personal decision and if you don't want to do it then don't. It causes no lasting harm and many millions of people do feel there are benefits to it. So why be so dogmatic and worked up over it peeps?

    I don't have a problem with circumcision itself, but I do have a problem with the way it's often done.

    Little boys scream themselves purple, sometimes to the point of convulsions.

    I have a bigger problem when people say:

    A. It's not really painful, when serum cortisol levels before and after the procedure clearly indicate that it is very painful

    B. Even if it is painful, the little boy won't remember it, which is a different face on the 'pedophile defense.'

  • Halo

    Circumcision the exception(generally practised for religious reason) NOT the norm where I live, thank goodness. It should be a personal decision by the individual not the parents of the infant male.

  • Glander

    The God of the Old Testament was not so gentle with gentiles genitals.

    I was circ'ed. by a lesbian doctor. No problems but I would have preferred to be left natural if anybody bothered to ask me.

  • Sulla

    We should really think twice about doingsoemthing because the opposite sex in given society likes the look of it.

    Psac., why in hell would we do anything at all, if not because the chicks dig it?

    Should we surgically remove the appendix upon birth because it may one day get inflamed and pose a helath risk?

    Of course not, chicks don't dig appendix scars.

    And of course women should all get breast implants and lazer their pubic area because men in some cultures find big boobs and shaved pubes more appealing, they "look better".

    Now you get it!

    In seriousness, though, isn't female preference a valid argument for the procedure. I recall reading a journal article on this which found that it was American women who most frequently caused the decision to circumcise their sons -- the implication being that they themselves knew what they preferred and didn't want their sons to be at a disadvantage. I'm not seeing why their judgment is faulty.

  • soontobe
    Actually it was done to make and preserve an ethnic distinction

    Not originally. Originally it was prbably performed for its health benefits. It's no coincidence that the practice took root at first among people who lived in hot, arid climates and spread from there. It's now being used in subsaharan Africa to prevent the spread of HIV.

  • redvip2000

    ridiculous practice... We are just lucky that they didn't decide to cute it closer to the balls.

  • Sulla

    Emperor Gallerius died from penis cancer. Not circumcised.

    Case closed.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The problem with circumcision is that once it's done it cannot be undone.

    If a boy on reaching 18 decides he wants to circumcised that should be his decision. It's his body, not his parents.

    Imagine the outcry if a parent tattooed their child!


  • soontobe

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