Canada To Let Quebec Go?

by metatron 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Three words: St. Lawrence Seaway.

  • talesin

    You Canadians have a better managed country and it will probably never happen. If Quebec is an annoyance and a financial burden, do some Anglos want them to leave?

    Yes! Seriously, my friend, you have hit a nerve!

    The Federal Government has funded PQ for so long, and many of us are HELLA sick of their goddamn 'separate and distinct' society. Why in the hell do, I in an English province, have to be fluent in FRENCH to get a job with the Feds?

    Quebec can F*** off and die.

    They need us, and that's the truth.

    I would love to hear Satanus' opinion on this,,, are you around, bro?



  • prologos

    A warning to the US of A, you are in for major expenses too, through fragmentation vs melting pot, learn spanish if you want a federal job.

    People love their tribe, language, soul food. divide and rule.

    WT caters to ethnics too. all hopeful, upcoming stars in branches have to be bi-lingual. look at the special programs.

    If you think you like sovereingnty-- think again: Gods sovereignty = knuckly under. Quebecs souvereignty = pay up. (or else)

  • Twitch

    Things are gonna get weird.

    Like they aren't already? Compared to what, exactly?

    Oh, and secession won't happen; it would've a long time ago when it had some traction. Now it's just rehashed news and media manipulation. You don't really believe that kind of political scare mongering do you?


  • talesin

    haha, Twitch,,,,, you are spot-on...

    but , how would the 'Mericans know unless we told them.

    Quebec is a shit-stain on Canada's landscape. We have poured BILLIONS into that province with it's fuken 'distinct society'..

    I wish they WOULD secede... more power to ya, GD Quebecois! go away, I won't miss you and your money-sucking ways.


  • slimboyfat

    Quebec came within 1 percentage point of voting for separation in 1995, so I wouldn't be so confident that they won't vote for it next time. Especially if the views expressed here are representative of how the rest of Canada feels toward them.

    Self-government is the future, for Quebec, for Scotland, for Catalonia, as elsewhere over the past couple of centuries. What self-respecting people does not want to govern themselves? I might not go so far as to say it is inevitable, as Scottish first minister Alex Salmond has done, but the wind is definitely blowing in the direction of sovereignty.

  • Twitch
    Quebec came within 1 percentage point of voting for separation in 1995, so I wouldn't be so confident that they won't vote for it next time.

    Believe it when I see it. And if they do, well, ok then. After 40 yrs of talk, the parting would be cathartic.

    Especially if the views expressed here are representative of how the rest of Canada feels toward them.

    Which they are not of course. Nice try though. You should run for office.

    What self-respecting people does not want to govern themselves?


  • Satanus

    The french there are basically scammers. The threat equals money. The threat is part of the scam. I saw it during the 30 yrs that i lived there.


    Ps not all french, of course. It has a kind of tradition in the culture.

  • fedup

    Did you ever think why Canada is officially French and English?

    Very easy for English Canada to say tell the French from Quebec to go F..K themselves. However, that shows total ignorance.

    Check the history books and learn why Quebec and the Natives in Canada have the power they were given. According to what I read, the French were given the guarantee to keep their language and the Natives their reservations if they fought against the Americans that wanted to turn Canada into an American territory in the early 1800s. Once they got the guarantee, Americans were fought by the French and Natives, and Americans left. In a nutshell.

    Show a little respect

  • talesin


    I remember that vote, we all held our breath. But in retrospect, it was all a charade.

    Honesly,PQ could NOT make it as an independent country. English Canada is like ,, GO ,, ahahaha, ,see how good you REAALY are without the billions of dollars in handouts we've give you for 40 years.

    That is what non-Canadians don't know.

    Separation? PFFFFFFFFT!

    what a fuken joke!

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