Newbies: Any Feedback on the "New Light" Regarding GB?

by daringhart13 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I was not around in 1914 but was there in 1975 and seen the hype build up before 1975 that the new system was to come before that year. They now deny that but as someone that lived through it I can say they did point to 1975 as a marked year. Yet the RF dub, even those that lived through it say that was not true. The RF dub will buy any spin the WTBTS puts on anything.

  • trujw

    If you are a behavior scientist it makes perfect sense. We as humans have survived by living in groups. We have no claws no fur and can be killed really easy by animals. So we developed a brain that links us to are tribe for safety. We fear outsiders anyone can ride a subway and understand. Jw dubs feed on this basic human emotion. It is a long held biological response to outside threats. There is and always have been safety in numbers. The kh is their group and in any tribe there are leaders that we all had to follow. To go alone was certain death in ancient times and to not work together or a loner your genes did not continue. We keep this alive among ourselves with this group on this blog. Why do I keep coming here? Evolution I feel safer with all of you.

  • prologos

    William, they might say it was not true but they said at an assembly ( Grand Falls MI) "we regret having published that" no we are not sorry, no we are not responable, but we regret we did it. had we known what we know now,(it was all the BtS in WT BtS) we would not have published it. not to make amends, not to admit responsability, but regretting it. not qualifying as repentance.

  • trujw

    Prologos I in my own thoughts was thinking that the response has been nuts at head quarters and that they dont want to put it in writing to all the faithful and have painted themselves in a corner. I think they are really really looking for even new new light as I write this to back track. Cause they know they fucx up

  • trujw

    Just so you know I was talking about the new FDS I think they are really feeling a lot of heat. On that IMHO

  • Quandry

    She said well hasn't that always been the case?.

    AAAAAKKKKKK! It is amazing that they can think they always believed the "new light."

  • prologos

    It is amazing that a group of people that goes to the doors with the hidden premise ( we are the only true religion, we are right, therefore you the householder are wrong) is not really interested what their teachings updated are. That goes for the elders (powerholders) too.

    In my decades I knew of only one jw (now deceased and making it to be CO), that serously worked on doctrine understanding. kept a black book, used to to beat down would - be challengers. it was his power tool.

    This new light "we are the true, the only, tested FDS and the unique since 1919, none like us before" is not known by the R&F. if they do not severely cut that back before putting it into writing with the imprimatur of Brooklyn, they will have renounced their claim to be a bible based belief system.

    The weakness of the bible as a unified-one-author text book will be exposed, and be questioned.

    There is no feedback now, because it is only a tryal balloon . the pop is in the future.

  • Fed-up

    Yeah, so having heard from friends who where at Annual Meeting about the "change" I had no doubt when I next read about it here. A local elder called and asked if I'd heard anything about it. So i told him 'yeah, you can read all about it on the website under "news"...He couldn't believe it was on the website. The next meeting he announced it at the meeting that it was on the website. Same reaction from everyone...."Yeah, it makes so much sesne..."

    Really? It does? "It makes so much sense" that the Holy Spirit spent so much time and effort IDentifying the members of the F&DS through out history if Jehovah was just going to change his mind about it, conveniently after the last of GB 1.0 had already "received his heavenly calling"?

    Some very tired people with tired brains. And, that it still hasn't been explained in a tracta- raga- maga-zine is awesome.

  • daringhart13

    ^^ That is what I was wondering Fed-up......has there even been a WT article on this?

    Tired brains.....or.....just lazy brains. I can say that because I used to be one

  • Fed-up

    as far as an explanation in one of the magazines, not that i know of...can't wait to sink my teeth into it though! They have bitten off more than they can chew, i think. " ...In order to hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that cannot contain the water." Jeremiah 2:13 "overlapping generations" was a stretch (Do they really think That is what Jesus had in mind, seriously?) not sure they can make this new "broken cistern" hold water....

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