If Someone Tried To Get Into An Altercation With You How Would You Handle It?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Walk away, but if touched I will defend myself. If hubby is there all will be fine as long as I'm not touched.

  • tornapart

    Well, I remember when I was just a little girl, about 10. Small for my age, timid but not a pushover. This bully boy started following me around and taunting me, calling me names. I saw red and turned round and wacked him one.. he didn't see it coming and the shocked look on his face was comical. LOL

    I'm quiet and easy going... but don't push me too far..

  • minimus

    Fun thread! Most people, I would think would look at me and think twice about playing around. Still, every once in a while, you get an intoxicated guy who's just looking for a fight. I usually ignore them until I spell it out that if they really wanted to play, I'm game. I'm really not afraid of anyone. So far, it's all good.

  • Hortensia

    funny thread. I look like a victim, a pushover, but the two times in my life that I needed to do so, I defended myself successfully. As long as a person is just talking, I'm a peacenik. But try to hit me and I will hurt you.

  • Iamallcool

    YELL really loud like an asshole for more than few minutes , they will run away. (I have never done this, but I feel like doing it at times) I usually walk away.

  • minimus

    Lam, you look harmless.

  • Honeybucket

    depends who it is.. some people really arent worth it... some are. Also they gotta throw the first punch, assault charges suck!

  • cofty

    Also they gotta throw the first punch,

    Not under UK law. If you have grounds to believe they are about to assault you you can hit first in self-defense. The law does not require yo to run away.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, I picked up a hitchhiker a while ago who told me about being at a casino and having food thrown at him by another man; but he didn't react to it- which may have been smart. Sometimes the 'wise guys' are setting you up for much more action than you plan for, when all their buddies muscle in on the action as well.

  • insearchoftruth4

    I've practiced UK law all my life even though I'm in the U.S or wherever. I don't like violence, but sometimes you got no choice. That cop was right Cofty, disable the bastard! call it defense..............One day, will peace and love prevail?

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