Just a quick update

by MsGrowingGirl20 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    Also...when i say that other people pale in comparison. I now realize that i was basing that on what jw's do. But ppl are really nice! To the point where i'm asking myself--Maybe he/she is a jw? But no they're not. They're just genuinely nice.

  • perfect1

    As far as your indecisiveness, when you do make a decision, there will be serious emotional consequences and the same people who show you love and interest now will turn on you in ways you cannot even imagine at this moment.

    You might be able to sense how heavy the consequences will be and maybe you are not prepared to face them yet. Also, losing your beliefs means you will not be able to rationalize every good and bad thing that happens. So you will experience life differently. At the same time, so many possibilities will open up in front of you, of what life has to offer you and what you have to offer. It is incredibly rich. It can also be incredibly lonely. Just try to open up as much as you can, and develop good discernment and decision making skills.

    Strengthen your heart and mind and become self reliant. When you reach the decisive moment you will know it.

  • LisaRose

    It takes a while before the JW brainwashing to wear off, they have conditioned you to fear leaving. The logical part of your brain tells you that this organization is wrong, but the more primitive part of your brain is reacting to the fear. Fear produces adrenalin, which causes sweating, shakes, etc. That is why you have conflicting emotions. Once you leave, that fear gradually goes away, as it is not based on logic, and you are no longer getting that fear reinforced by the meetings.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Hi, if in your heart, you were absolutely 100% convinced that JWs are the only true religion, .............you'd still be in.

    Your doubts are trying to tell you something...listen.

    Wishing you all you wish for yourself, be happy whatever you choose.

    Paula x

  • SkyGreen

    HI there Msgrowinggirl

    we joined around the same time when i was notreadytorun.

    I was reading back through and seems like youve gone through a similar "cycle" to me ie IM LEAVING, WHAT IF ITS TRUE, IM STAYING, I JUST DONT KNOW, IM INACTIVE.... I feel your pain! I too sometimes want to just be "safe in', go back to blissful ignorance, I want to believe that it is the truth.

    No words of wisdom for you, just that I know what youre going through, and so many here do too.

    I lied, I have one word of wisdom: dont tell anyone why your inactive/ missing meetings - just be vague. You dont owe them an explanation, you need to work it out for yourself first. Tell them its personal and youll talk when youre ready.

    From what I remember you arent married, dont have kids or other family "in"? Thats a good start. But I know you have good friends you dont want to lose. Thats hard too eh? Just vent on here when you're feeling low. It sucks to be us sometimes!

    Take care x

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Those first few steps out are scary. It's almost like you are anticipating an explosion or something. And then, nothing.

    I wanted it to be the truth when I first heard it. It was all so utopian. But you can't ignore the contradictions and misstated facts. Keep with the logical approach and ditch the emotion.

    I hear you on the meetings. Once you realize it's all just propaganda, it's hard to sit through it

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    So tru...thank u all

  • clarity

    Hi GG ...... breaking up is hard to do, whether it is with an

    abusive boyfriend or an American cult!

    We really really want them to be ...OK ...safe.


    When the anxiety starts kicking in and the guy is being soooo nice,

    we try again.... one more time ...AAHHHHH that's better,

    your stomach stops hurting for awhile....till next time!


    It is the same with a religious cult, ...the misleading & deceptive

    messages are stuffed down into the subconcious and AAAHHHH that's

    much better and nobody is mad anymore ...and gee yes it does feel safe!


    Can you see why you have confusion, ... mixed messages?

    Your thinking mind says RUN!

    But your body whimpers and feels scared!

    Like you have one eye looking back... and the other

    eye looking forward.


    When you are able to be harmonious/congruent with

    yourself ...... you will feel better!

    Not "safe in" .... but SAFE.


    You can now safely trust YOURSELF.


  • tec

    That was an excellent and very clear post, Clarity.

    Growing Girl, the more fear you shed, the easier it will start to become to leave what you already know is not true. Keep reading, keeping thinking, keep talking. You'll get there.

    Peace to you,


  • clarity

    Tec .....thanx very nice of you to say

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