Just a quick update

by MsGrowingGirl20 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    Thank u all 4 the replies. Can't respond to them all now

  • BluesBrother

    Hi MsGrowingGirl....Thank you for the post. I can well understand how you feel. After a lifetime within it and having served alongside some people whom I really respected, it seemed to me incredulous that they could all be wrong and that everything we believed was a fake. Yet, when something happened, it opened my eyes and the veil was lifted.

    You do not need to have to set a time limit, just take it easy and see what happens. It is my guess that you will have to come out ......JGnat's suggestion was a good one.

    Best wishes

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Yay......I'm glad you doing good in school!!! I'm sure you'll do great w/exams......


  • scotoma

    Leaving the organization doesn't mean you are dis-organized. You just have to own your ability as an ORGANISM to re-organize based on an updated map of reality.

    Being disfellowshipped doesn't mean you are Dis-organized.

  • leavingwt

    Please read one of Steve Hassan's books.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    i listened to one of his mp3's that someone sent me. Really good. I don't believe that they have any truth...i don't know why i'm still here.

  • whathappened

    My dear msgrowing,

    There are other places you can find love and support. These places do not expect you to dedicate your whole life to them, give your life up, preach untruths to others, etc.

    Be careful that cult thinking doesn't take hold on you. Please rethink this. You are getting close to people who are deluded. Ask yourself if these are really the people you should be spending time with.

    Love to you. Please listen to people who have been burned.

  • perfect1

    I am sure you will figure this out. School is your priority, just focus on that.

    Im not sure what you are referrng to about non-witness moral standards- but college is a time for young people to try out new identities, behaviors, and lifestyles, styles. Dont judge people around you for doing so. Give yourself more room to explore who you are and who you can be. Stay safe but let yourself have some new experiences and spend time with other people. Try to focus on your commonalities, and dont be judgemental. (speaking from experience here) its best to lose your JW naivete as quick as you can. You will wise up, and that is a good thing.

    remember that JWs compare higher education to shooting yourself in the head. When you are there acing your exams high on knowledge remember there are 8 men in Brooklyn who would rather you were not getting an education, and ask yourself why that can be, given your experience.

    You dont have to go to anyones family worship night.

    And one more thing, honey- there is no SAFE IN

    its not safe in there. its a delusion.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    WOW! When i read your comments....i feel so hyped up too just get out from there....man...when will this indecisiveness go away1

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    When you choose to do enough research to PROVE it for yourself. If you are just taking peoples words on face value without doing the needed research yourself then there will always be a niggling doubt that you have been mislead and that the JWs have the truth. You need to prove it one way or the other to a higher degree of certainty.

    607 did it for me once I got my head around it.

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