WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway

by sir82 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    they are obviously grooming the next generation both in the pubs, and how the elders handle them. That older elder is obviously old thinking to them. They have a lot of free thinking elders out there that need to be reigned in. They already took care of the annointed. So now it's only the GB, or as enforced by the elders, for the GB.

  • ziddina
    "...At the end, while the 3 elders are deliberating, Brother Old-and-Kindly starts off by saying the guy is just a "messed up kid who made a mistake" (or something similar) and that he ought to be given a chance to work out his problems. However, the other 2 elders spend the next several minutes "adjusting his thinking". They point to various references in the Shepherding book (i.e. the elders manual) which (what a surprise!) addresses exactly the situation they are in.
    There are 3 or 4 efforts made by Brother Old-and-Kindly to soften the other brothers' stance, trying to get them to not DF the guy. But each time, his point is counteracted by a point read directly from the elders manual.
    Finally, Brother Old-and-Kindly acquiesces and agrees the guy should be DF-ed.
    The not-so-subtle message?
    "You elders are too soft and sentimental. You have to view things as Jehovah does. If he killed a guy for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, you ought to be willing to DF a guy who lies in his judicial meeting and isn't 'concerned about his relationship with Jehovah'. Don't be fooled by tears - written direction in the elders manual trumps sentimentality."
    Of course, just to re-emphasize, all of Brother Old-and-Kindly's arguments were counteracted, not with scripture, but with direct references to the Shepherding book.

    Okay.... That is terrible, but I can see a 'silver' lining...

    More disfellowshippings will get more people out - not just those disfellowshipped, but many of the relatives who see that they can no longer talk to or be with their loved ones will have their strength "tested" - especially if the disfellowshipment smacks of injustice.

    Keep eroding the ranks, Gov.Bod, keep eroding the ranks...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I haven't read all the posts, but if they're going all OT on this with the stoning for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, shouldn't they go OT on the guy having sex with this girl? Back then, if a guy had sex with a single girl, he HAD to marry her. He wasn't stoned or disfellowshipped.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    especially if the disfellowshipment smacks of injustice.

    There ya go. After a few wild axe swings, pubs are gonna wonder why it's getting so less merciful in the cong. Oh that's right. It's a sign the end is 1 micron closer

  • Vidiot

    It's like they almost want an angry XJW community that's starting to outnumber them...

    ...now that I think about it, actually, that would very conveniently feed the loyal R&F's collective persecution complex; I've read before that if an authoritarian high control group has no existential enemy, if would have to create one. The group's collective identity doesn't even have to conciously make that decision, it simply occurs organically as a basic survival adaptation.

    The GB must be proud poppas.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " Having now gone down this path, it will be fascinating to see where it leads. "

    My guess would be that after watching this video, the average dim-witted JC elder will assume that every victim brought before a committee is lying. I can now imagine that some teen will come forward and confess to feeling a girls boob and the video-trained committee will grill him, trying to get him to confess to fornicating repeatedly so that they can DF him... or maybe they'll just conclude that he did it but refuses to confess, so they'll still DF him.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep so get ready for more announcements. If you so much as fart in the wrong direction, thats it.

  • mamochan13

    feathermiss - you make an excellent observation. The elders told me the same thing. My situation was a bit different. I was a middle-aged woman who had struggled financially and emotionally for years to raise four daughters on my own. I had met a guy willing to take on me and my family, a good person who cared about my children and would ease my financial struggles. Yeah, like there are plenty of those guys out there for the picking in JW land. He was respectful of my faith and even wiling to allow his daughter to be raised as a JW. The elders told me to get rid of him.

    None of them had a clue what it was like to be a single parent. That they would tell you to have nothing to do with the father of your child, or suggest to the young man that he abdicate his responsibilities is so incredibly lacking in love and compassion and understanding it boggles the mind. "You screwed up and now you are starting a family at a very young age so we're going to punish you by taking away all your family, social and community supports"

  • Vidiot


    I'm feeling more and more relieved that I faded before all the current and impending squeeze got dialed up; my exit would have gotten a lot messier, I suspect, due to the internal resistance that kicks in when I feel bullied.

  • Balaamsass

    Brooklyn Taliban.

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