WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway

by sir82 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • notjustyet

    You know how people would go into a movie theatre and record the movie and then show it at hope. Never did this just heard about it.

    Well, Someone needs to start thinking along these lines if we ever want to get a copy of it to show.

    Is there not some way?

    Cue the Mission Impossible music,...

    Someone has got to get this, for the sake of humanity!!


  • DesirousOfChange

    Can you pull a Ray Publisher next time and put a wire in your tie?

    These elder schools have not yet been held throughout the entire US.

    Hopefully someone will try Ray's tie recording method.


  • frankiespeakin

    The Governing Body is stepping up its fear & terror campaign for sins over disobeying Jehovah to the limits the law will allow.

    They are calling for strict obedience they are grabbing for the core believer, who will grovel at thier position of power and have the proper party line repentance.

    Sorry for getting caught is not proper repentance, but sorrow that one has transgressed an ancient tribal diety called Jehovah, the only right party line when up before a tribunal of indoctrinated elders.

    The Governing Body on the mission from God feel the need to purge the congregations from sinners and thus keep the free flow of God's Spirit working. They are feeling the burden of try to save the organization from eventual oblivion, as time drags on and still no armagedon!

    So perhaps by getting more of God's Holy Ghost back and working in the congregations they will have a clean people and Jehovah will some how save them.

  • Hortensia

    Once I was away from the JW mindset I could see very clearly how the DF process is dangerous to young people. They totally lose their support system just when they need it most.

    And what about the girlfriend and baby? Whoever brought that point up is right. No talk with the kid about his obligations and how to handle them. Just JW hard line.

  • tiki

    I so agree with Hortensia...a child has been conceived, and there are two people who made that baby. Both are responsible and both have to make decisions. The pregnant mother needs the support of the baby's father mentally, emotionally and financially most likely...they have to work out the situation as a couple and not with some ridiculous pharisaical rules regulations and prohibitions hanging over either of their heads.

    The father needs to be there, a part of that babys development, birth and childhood into adulthood..........and i have seen cases where they disfellowship the kids, and won't let them get married until they get reinstated and what do you have?!? a poor young woman doing it all by herself through the pregnancy - having family support if she's lucky - but where is the father of the baby?!??! so WRONG.

    i would prefer that my son not impregnate until he is in a committed and lasting relationship - but if he did make a baby prematurely, it still is his responsibility - and he needs to man up and take care of things - and no religion needs to be insinuating themselves in his decision-making process.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    they send a strong message with this video :the old elder represents the older generation of elders that could still use their judgement and trained Christian conscience to reach a desicion ,the young elders represents the new generation of elder that go by the book ,not the Bible ,but the modern "Talmud" as the Pharishees did .No more Bible trained conscience ,no more critical thinking ONLY mechanicanical unloving bastards .This means war ! In every sence ,everything we loved and cared as Witnesses are being destroyed from these 9 morons in New York .They truly are the "wicked slave" prophesied in Matthew

  • Quarterback

    "Mr Phelps, here is your mission should you choose to accept it.

    You must penetrate the JW Headquarters, and retrieve a copy of a DVD that shows a Committee of Elders in a judgement role.

    This message will self destruct in 30 seconds"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    as every cult eventually does, they shrink down to it's most hardened core

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    They gunna get tougher and tougher, and squeeze out the free thinkers, whether elders or Rank and file.

    Tow the party line or get out...


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    seriously. I guess a few elders who can think past their nose may have called in one too many times. It's not like they don't keep track right?

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